X faces massive fines for DSA breaches & blue check deception

  • European regulators have charged Elon Musk’s platform, X, with violating the Digital Services Act (DSA), accusing it of misleading its users and other serious breaches. This is the first instance of preliminary findings under the DSA, according to Margrethe Vestager, a senior official at the European Commission, who announced the allegations on Friday. 
  • This accusation against X holds substantial implications, not just for the platform but also for the broader digital landscape. 

Elon Musk’s X platform getting charged by EU regulators for violating the DSA?  It’s like when Facebook was caught using dark patterns to manipulate users years ago.  Seems like X is playing a dangerous game, undermining trust in the ‘verified’ label.  Blue checks used to mean something, now they’re just a clickbait for scammers.  If X doesn’t shape up, those fines could hurt, especially with 6% of global turnover on the line.  Time for Musk to address these allegations head-on before his platform loses credibility for good.
–Miurio huang, BTW reporter

What happened

European regulators have charged Elon Musk’s platform, X, with violating the Digital Services Act (DSA), accusing it of misleading its users and other serious breaches. This is the first instance of preliminary findings under the DSA, according to Margrethe Vestager, a senior official at the European Commission, who announced the allegations on Friday. 

The European Commission contends that X fails to comply with key transparency requirements, employing dark patterns to mislead users, not providing an adequate ad repository, and obstructing researchers’ access to data. The platform’s handling of verified accounts, where anyone can subscribe to obtain the “verified” status, has been highlighted as deceptive and prone to abuse by malicious actors. 

The European Union’s executive arm emphasised that the current approach to verified accounts deviates from industry practices, which traditionally ensured that blue checks represented trustworthy sources of information. If the Commission’s preliminary findings are confirmed, X could face fines up to 6% of its global annual turnover. Despite repeated requests, X has not commented on these allegations.

Thierry Breton, another senior Commission official, underscored the shift in the significance of blue checks, stating that they now deceive users under X’s current system and infringe the DSA. The law, which took effect in August, prohibits dark patterns—subtle design tricks that can nudge consumers into making decisions beneficial to the company, such as opting into data tracking.

Also read: Elon Musk faces sexual harassment allegations

Also read: Elon Musk mulls ‘X Phone’ with Samsung in overt challenge to Apple’s iPhone

Why it’s Important

This accusation against X holds substantial implications, not just for the platform but also for the broader digital landscape. The Digital Services Act represents a major step in regulating online platforms, aiming to enhance transparency and accountability. The alleged violations by X underscore the challenges regulators face in enforcing these new rules, especially against high-profile platforms.

The outcome of this investigation could set a precedent for how rigorously the DSA is enforced and the extent of penalties imposed for non-compliance. A significant fine could impact X’s operations and signal to other tech companies the serious consequences of flouting EU regulations. Moreover, this case brings to light the evolving nature of online verification and trustworthiness, raising questions about the integrity of digital identities in an era where verified status can be easily obtained.

The investigation also highlights the broader issue of content moderation and the spread of misinformation, a critical concern in the digital age. By scrutinising X’s practices, the EU aims to ensure that platforms are not only transparent but also responsible in curbing the dissemination of illegal and harmful content. The final decision in this case could influence future regulatory approaches and the responsibilities of tech giants in maintaining a safe and honest online environment.


Miurio Huang

Miurio Huang is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in AI. She graduated from Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University. Send tips to m.huang@btw.media.

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