Who is Even Rogers? CEO of True Anomaly, defining modern space security

  • Even Rogers, True Anomaly’s CEO and co-founder, aims to improve space operations and security, placing the company at the industry’s frontier as it rapidly expands.
  • True Anomaly develops spacecraft and software solutions to make space a protected harbour for the US and its allies.
  • Even Rogers advocates for a proactive, technology-driven approach to modern space security, focusing on advanced autonomous systems, AI, and comprehensive space situational awareness to ensure the safety and sustainability of space operations.

Even Rogers’ definition of modern space security is comprehensive and forward-thinking. It encompasses advanced technologies, proactive threat mitigation, international collaboration, and a strong emphasis on resilience and ethical considerations. As the space industry continues to evolve, Rogers’ vision and efforts will play a crucial role in shaping the future of space security.

–Jinny Xu, BTW reporter

Even Rogers, CEO and co-founder of True Anomaly, is at the vanguard of redefining modern space security. Under his leadership, True Anomaly has become a key player in the space industry, focusing on innovative solutions to emerging threats and challenges. Rogers’ approach to space security is multifaceted, integrating advanced technology, strategic thinking, and international collaboration. Here’s a closer look at how he defines and implements modern space security.

Even Rogers

Early life and background

Even Rogers was born and raised in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a city known for its close ties to the aerospace industry. Growing up near prominent military installations and aerospace companies, Rogers developed an early fascination with space and technology. His parents, both engineers, nurtured his curiosity, providing him with a solid foundation in science and mathematics.

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Rogers’ early education was marked by a passion for learning and a keen interest in the cosmos. He excelled in his studies, particularly in subjects related to physics and engineering. This early aptitude set the stage for a career that would eventually take him to the heights of the aerospace industry.

Academic and professional journey

Rogers pursued his higher education at the United States Air Force Academy, where he earned a degree in Astronautical Engineering. His time at the academy was not only academically rigorous but also instilled in him a sense of discipline and leadership that would prove invaluable in his future endeavours.

Following his graduation, Rogers embarked on a career in the United States Air Force, where he served as a Space Operations Officer. During his tenure, he gained extensive experience in satellite operations, space situational awareness, and orbital mechanics. His military background provided him with a deep understanding of the strategic importance of space and the challenges associated with maintaining security in an increasingly contested domain.

Also read: True Anomaly space company: A short profile

Founding True Anomaly

In 2022, driven by a desire to address the emerging threats in space and leverage his expertise, Rogers co-founded True Anomaly. The company was established with a mission to enhance space operations and security through advanced technology and innovative solutions. As CEO, Rogers has been instrumental in guiding the company’s strategic direction and fostering a culture of innovation.

True Anomaly quickly gained recognition for its advanced approaches to space security. The company’s focus on developing autonomous systems and artificial intelligence for space operations has positioned it as a leader in the field. Under Rogers’ leadership, True Anomaly has secured significant contracts with both government and commercial entities, solidifying its reputation as a key player in the space industry.

One of the hallmark achievements of True Anomaly has been the development of advanced satellite technology designed to enhance space situational awareness and operational security. These technologies include autonomous spacecraft capable of performing on-orbit inspections and assessments, providing critical data to mitigate potential threats and ensure the safety of assets in space.

Defining modern space security

A proactive approach to threat mitigation

Rogers believes that modern space security requires a proactive rather than reactive approach. This involves anticipating potential threats and developing technologies to mitigate them before they become critical issues. True Anomaly’s work on autonomous spacecraft and on-orbit inspection technologies exemplifies this proactive stance. These systems are designed to monitor, assess, and address anomalies in space, ensuring that satellites and other assets remain safe and operational.

Advanced technologies and autonomous systems

At the heart of Rogers’ vision for modern space security is the integration of advanced technologies and autonomous systems. True Anomaly’s autonomous spacecraft are capable of performing on-orbit inspections, detecting and diagnosing issues, and even taking corrective actions without human intervention. This reduces the time lag associated with ground-based operations and enhances the resilience of space infrastructure.

Additionally, Rogers emphasises the importance of artificial intelligence (AI) in space operations. AI-driven systems can analyse vast amounts of data in real time, providing insights and predictive analytics that are crucial for maintaining situational awareness and decision-making in space.

Space situational awareness

A cornerstone of modern space security, according to Rogers, is comprehensive space situational awareness (SSA). SSA involves tracking and understanding the positions and movements of all objects in space, from active satellites to debris. True Anomaly’s technologies contribute to SSA by providing high-resolution data and real-time monitoring capabilities. This enables operators to make informed decisions, avoid collisions, and manage space traffic more effectively.

Resilience and redundancy

Rogers advocates for building resilient and redundant systems to enhance space security. This means designing satellites and other space assets that can withstand potential threats, such as cyber-attacks, physical collisions, and environmental hazards. By incorporating redundancy into their designs, True Anomaly ensures that even if one component fails, the overall system remains functional.

International collaboration

Rogers recognises that space is a global common, and effective security requires international cooperation. He has been a strong proponent of building partnerships with allied nations and international organisations to create a collaborative framework for space operations. This includes sharing data, coordinating responses to threats, and establishing norms and guidelines for responsible behaviour in space.

Leadership style and vision

Even Rogers is known for his visionary leadership and ability to inspire those around him. His approach to leadership is characterised by a focus on innovation, collaboration, and strategic thinking. He emphasises the importance of a mission-driven culture, where every team member is committed to the overarching goal of advancing space security and operations.

Rogers’ vision for the future of True Anomaly is ambitious. He envisions a world where space is not only a domain for exploration but also a secure environment for all nations. To achieve this, he is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of technology and continuously evolving True Anomaly’s capabilities to address the ever-changing landscape of space operations.

Personal life

Outside of his professional achievements, Even Rogers is known for his dedication to family and community. He is a passionate advocate for STEM education, often speaking at schools and universities to inspire the next generation of engineers and scientists. Rogers believes that fostering a love for science and technology in young people is crucial for the future of innovation.

In interviews, Rogers frequently emphasises the importance of perseverance and continuous learning. He credits his success to a willingness to take risks, learn from failures, and remain adaptable in the face of change. His personal philosophy revolves around the idea that true innovation requires both vision and the courage to challenge the status quo.


Jinny Xu

Jinny Xu is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Fintech and AI. She graduated from Chongqing Institute of Foreign Studies.Send tips to j.xu@btw.media.

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