A look at conversational AI, which understands human input

  • Conversational AI refers to artificial intelligence systems designed to engage in natural language conversations with humans.
  • AI-driven systems are designed to understand natural language input from users and provide helpful responses or perform tasks based on the queries or commands they receive.
  • Convenience is about making life easier and more streamlined, whether that’s through saving time, increasing accessibility, improving efficiency, simplifying processes, or offering customisation options.

Conversational AI systems are programmed to understand and respond to human input, typically through text or speech. It can take various forms, including chatbots, virtual assistants, and voice-controlled devices. These technologies use natural language processing (NLP), machine learning.

And other AI techniques to interpret user input, generate appropriate responses, and simulate human-like conversation. They are used in a wide range of applications, from customer service and support to personal assistants and smart home devices.

What is conversational AI?

Conversational AI refers to artificial intelligence systems designed to engage in natural language conversations with humans. These systems are built to understand human language, interpret its meaning, and respond appropriately, often in real-time. They utilise various technologies such as natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and sometimes even elements of speech recognition and generation to simulate human-like conversation.

Conversational AI finds applications in chatbots, virtual assistants, customer service platforms, and more. It aims to provide efficient and effective interactions, allowing users to obtain information, complete tasks, or receive assistance through conversation, typically without the need for human intervention.

Also read: 5 types of AI hardware driving tomorrow’s intelligent machines

Convenience of AI

The function of conversational AI is to enable effective communication and interaction between humans and machines, enhancing convenience, efficiency, and user satisfaction across various domains and applications.

Conversational AI primarily offers the convenience of instant, personalised assistance round the clock, automating tasks, and providing efficient support across multiple channels, ultimately enhancing user experience and productivity.

These conveniences collectively enhance user experience, streamline operations, and drive business growth in various sectors such as customer service, healthcare, e-commerce, and finance.

Also read: Difference between AI and cognitive computing

Example of conversational AI

A common example of conversational AI is a virtual assistant like Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Google Assistant. These virtual assistants are designed to understand spoken or typed natural language input and respond with relevant information or actions.

For instance, users can ask Siri on their iPhone questions like “What’s the weather like today?” or “Set an alarm for 7 AM tomorrow,” and Siri will interpret the commands and respond accordingly. Similarly, Amazon’s Alexa can answer questions, control smart home devices, play music, and perform various other tasks through voice commands.

These virtual assistants use sophisticated natural language processing algorithms to understand the intent behind the user’s words and then take appropriate actions or provide relevant information. They continuously learn and improve their capabilities through user interactions and updates from their developers.


Rita Li

Rita Lian intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in Products. She graduated from University of Communication University of Zhejiang. Send tips to rita.li@btw.media.

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