What are the 3 advantages of robots in industry?

  • Robots can work continuously without taking breaks and perform tasks at high speeds consistently.
  • Robots can replace human labour for heavy, hazardous or monotonous tasks, thereby reducing labour costs and associated health and safety risks.
  • Advances in robotics have driven the development of new technology areas, leading to the convergence and innovation of emerging technologies such as smart manufacturing, the Internet of Things, and big data analytics.

Robots are used in a wide range of industrial applications, where they not only increase productivity, but also enhance the safety and accuracy of the manufacturing process.

Increase productivity and execution accuracy

Robots can perform highly repetitive tasks on a wide range of industrial production lines, which often include assembly, welding, and painting.

Compared to human workers, robots can work faster and more continuously, without breaks and without being affected by emotions, and they can be programmed to precisely control both the speed and accuracy of their operations. In automotive manufacturing, robots can install car parts with constant speed and accuracy, reducing assembly time and error rates.

The ability of robots to work 24/7 is especially important in industries that require continuous production. For example, in semiconductor manufacturing, robots can continuously assemble and inspect precision components.

By precisely controlling the details of each movement, robots can ensure product consistency, which is critical for quality control. For example, in the electronics industry, robots can accurately solder circuit boards and place components.

Also read: What is an industrial robot?

Lower production costs and more efficient use of resources

Although the initial investment in robots is high, they can significantly reduce production costs in the long run. Robots reduce reliance on human labour, especially in high-risk or inhospitable environments. In addition, robots can optimise the use of materials, reduce waste and improve the utilisation of raw materials.

The use of robots reduces the need for highly skilled workers, especially in countries or regions with high labour costs, and this cost saving is particularly evident.

Robots can reduce material wastage in the production process, while their energy efficiency is often higher than that of conventional machinery and equipment.

Also read: China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Sets Ambitious Course for Robot Development

Enhance workplace safety and open up new technological frontiers

Robots can work in environments that are hazardous or harmful to human health, such as chemical handling and radioactive material handling. By replacing human labour, robots reduce accidents and health problems in the workplace.

Advances in robotics have also fuelled the development of new technological fields, such as teleoperation and automation control technologies, which have expanded their applications from industrial production to a wide range of fields, such as healthcare and rescue.

In high-temperature, high-pressure, and toxic environments, robots can take on high-risk tasks, reducing the risk of occupational injuries and health problems.

The development of robotics has led to the integration and innovation of emerging technologies such as smart manufacturing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and big data analytics, laying the foundation for the realisation of Industry 4.0.


Yun Zhao

Yun Zhao is a junior writer at BTW Media. She graduates from the Zhejiang University of Financial and Economics and majors in English. Send tips to s.zhao@btw.media.

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