What’s the next popular autonomous agent to overshadow ChatGPT

Intelligent agents in AI are autonomous progrations that receive information from their environment using sensors and actuators to achieve their goals.

Intelligent agents in AI are autonomous progrations that receive information from their environment using sensors and actuators to achieve their goals. In addition, intelligent agents may learn from the environment to achieve goals that are set for them.

Because strong autonomy is built-in in AI, the whole learning process almost does not rely on human instructions and supervision. Tech giants such as Microsoft and Alphabet, as well as startups, are paying close attention to the ability of AIs to learn autonomously.

Take one startup Inflection AI, which raised $1.3 billion in funding at the end of June. According to co-founders Reid Hoffman and Mustafa Suleyman in a podcast, the company is developing a personal assistant that can take the role of an advisor,  handling tasks such as obtaining flight credits after travel delays.

Another startup Adept, raised $415 million in funding. Action Transformer(ACT-1), a model developed by Adept, can access the company’s Salesforce customer relationship database with a single prompt to complete a complex task.

Despite the hectic race, investors are keeping at pace with each other, saying they need to seize the opportunity. WVV Capital’s JasonFranklin said he had to work hard to get two former Google Brain engineers to invest in an AI agency. In May, Google Ventures, the company’s venture capital fund, led a $2 million seed round in startup Cognosys to develop AI agents. Furthermore, MattSchlicht, a well-known journalist in the field of AI, says that there are at least 100 serious projects working on commercializing AI agents. He thinks entrepreneurs and investors are very excited about autonomous (AI) agents. They are more interested in AI agents than chatbots.

AI company MultiOn is Beta testing an AI agent app and its developer DivGarg says “for the most part now, we want it to be your personal AI friend.”

“It could evolve into [Tony Stark’s AI assistant in Iron Man] Jarvis, and we want it to connect to a lot of your services,” he added. If you want to do something, you can talk to your AI assistant and it can do it for you.


Bal M

Bal was BTW's copywriter specialising in tech and productivity tools. He has experience working in startups, mid-size tech companies, and non-profits.

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