The advent of AI has diminished young people’s value and status in the workplace reports claim

Young workers in the United States are facing a career crisis, Businessinsider reports. With the development of artificial intelligence (AI)

Young workers in the United States are facing a career crisis, Businessinsider reports. With the development of artificial intelligence (AI), many companies are using AI to handle simple tasks such as creating forms and writing generic copies. These tasks are usually done by entry-level employees and are seen as the most fundamental part of their career.

However, many companies do not provide adequate training, mentoring and career development opportunities for young employees, resulting in a lack of career goals and skills. The advent of AI has further diminished their value and status in the workplace, the report adds.

Reports indicate that Gen Z (the generation born after 1997) are already at a disadvantage before they even enter the workforce. Many of them are saddled with heavy student loan debt, and it’s hard to find a job that doesn’t require a college degree or experience.

Even when they do find a job, they find it difficult to get the care and support they need from their company. One survey shows that only 24 percent of US employees strongly agree that their company cares about their welfare. Another survey showed that 74 percent of Gen Z and millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) have considered quitting their jobs because their companies don’t provide adequate skills training or career advancement options.

According to the report, the potential impact of the use of AI has not been fully considered by the management of American companies. The companies are mainly concerned about cost and efficiency, rather than the value and long-term development of human capital. The article warns that such a practice would weaken the economy, and calls on companies to rethink their investments in workers, provide more training and mentoring programs, and use AI to complement, rather than replace, human jobs.


Bal M

Bal was BTW's copywriter specialising in tech and productivity tools. He has experience working in startups, mid-size tech companies, and non-profits.

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