Transforma Insights identifies IoT key themes and market leaders

  • Transforma Insights, a global IoT analytics firm, has released the 2024 edition of its CSP IoT Peer Benchmarking Report.
  • The report is based on extensive discussions with 25 leading global cellular connectivity providers, as well as detailed analysis of their capabilities and strategies.

Compliance is both a challenge and an opportunity. The permanent roaming issue has largely been resolved, but new data sovereignty, national flexibility and other regulations are on the way.
–Zora Lin, BTW reporter

What happened

Transforma Insights, a leading global IoT analytics firm, has released the 2024 edition of its Communications Service Provider (CSP) IoT Peer Benchmarking Report on July 5, identifying the key themes that define the IoT connectivity market, as well as the leading Mnos and MVnos for IoT.

The report is based on extensive discussions with 25 leading global cellular connectivity providers, as well as detailed analysis of their capabilities and strategies.

This year’s main theme is that the pace of change remains rapid, with evolving market approaches and the arrival of new technologies and business models. We expect more disruption next year.

Devices and device-to-cloud propositions, which often incorporate sensors and data management, are becoming a key component of IoT connected products.

Continue to seek additional fee-based services and new revenue streams, including through premium support, network add-ons, VAS, fixed wireless access, devices, and consulting.

Also read: IoT market: $1.1 trillion by 2026

Also read: Zymbit unveils Secure Edge Fabric for improved IoT deployments

Why it’s important

The field of connection management platforms is evolving, albeit at a relatively slow pace. There is a need for change in both the CMP choice (usually dual source) and the overlay abstraction platform.

Writing multi-country connectivity solutions, especially those involving LTE-M/NB-IoT, is still too difficult. With non-IoT networks still mainstream, the door to LTE Cat 1bis is firmly open.

Although there are some shortcomings in using LPWA technology to provide connectivity, CSPS are still looking for the “next big thing,” and currently satellite NTN is fulfilling that role. Despite the preparations being made by some forward-thinking communications service providers, 5G does not yet hold much promise.


Zora Lin

Zora Lin is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Products and AI. She graduated from Chang’an University. Send tips to

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