Samsung unveils SmartThings Pro for businesses

  • Samsung has unveiled its new hyper-connected B2B platform, “SmartThings Pro”, at InfoComm 2024 in Las Vegas.
  • SmartThings Pro has comprehensive functionality with extensive collaboration with other companies to provide tailored solutions optimised for residential, commercial, and public spaces such as schools.

The South Korean tech giant has set up an impressive 816 square metre booth at the Las Vegas Convention Centre, showcasing its latest commercial display products and solutions at the major North American display exhibition.

–Revel Cheng, BTW reporter

Samsung plans to roll out SmartThings Pro globally with customised APIs available to support diverse business environments. The company has also formed strategic collaborations to enhance the platform’s capabilities and reach.

Comprehensive functionality with extensive collaboration

SmartThings Pro, designed specifically for the B2B market, is a comprehensive platform that enables seamless integration and management of various devices, solutions, and services across enterprise environments.

One of the key features of SmartThings Pro is its intuitive dashboard, which allows businesses to monitor the status of connected devices through AI analysis, facilitating efficient device management.

Additionally, the platform includes an “AI Saving Mode” that helps reduce power consumption by applying energy-saving algorithms to connected displays, air conditioners, and appliances.

One such collaboration is the integration with Cisco’s Control Hub, enabling unified management across different systems. Samsung has also partnered with Aqara to deliver innovative guest experiences in the hospitality industry and with Quividi for cloud-based customer data analysis in retail solutions.

Samsung’s platform supports the integration and management of a range of devices including smart signage, hotel TVs, and a wide range of products such as lighting, humidity control, and cameras.

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SmartThings Pro: a wide range of market prospects

Chanwoo Park, Vice President of Samsung’s B2B Solutions Team, commented: “SmartThings Pro will elevate Samsung’s IoT solutions in the B2B market. We are committed to providing tailored solutions optimised for residential, commercial, and public spaces such as schools.”

Jung Hoon, Vice President of Samsung’s Visual Display Business, said: “We are thrilled to introduce a wide range of new hardware, solutions, and services at this year’s Infocomm. Samsung will continue to lead the hyper-connected and AI-driven era in the commercial market.”

As businesses increasingly embrace digital transformation and seek to optimise their operations through IoT technologies, SmartThings Pro definitely has a wide range of marked prospects. It positions the company as a potentially formidable player.

The unveiling of SmartThings Pro at Infocomm 2024 signifies Samsung’s strategic focus on expanding its influence in the enterprise IoT market, reinforcing its commitment to innovation and leadership in the display and connected solutions sector.


Revel Cheng

Revel Cheng is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Fintech and Blockchain. She graduated from Nanning Normal University. Send tips to

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