AI tool ReelSphere makes hyperlocal weather videos

  • The Weather Company says ReelSphere cuts down the amount of work meteorologists have to do to keep viewers updated on the weather.
  • While ReelSphere-generated content requires little oversight, humans can intervene and edit the information if the AI makes a mistake.
  • If that weather forecast is fine-tuned to be hyperlocal, viewers are more likely to engage.

The next time you check your local weather report, it might just be AI-generated. Because The Weather Company is bringing AI tools to make weather videos.

The AI tool ReelSphere

ReelSphere is a video creation tool for broadcasters and other clients that automatically adds captions, graphics, and hyperlocal weather information overlays to video weather reports. ReelSphere even allows users to add AI voices that sound like local meteorologists.

It uses a large language model (not specified) to extract location-specific graphics and can connect to the company’s weather information system, Max.

Max is a platform that helps create maps that meteorologists point to in front of a green screen.

The data shown adapts to conditions. If rain is expected, there will be areas of precipitation levels. If clear weather is expected, the beach forecast for the weekend may be increased.

Crucially, while ReelSphere-generated content requires little oversight, users can still access ReelSphere to edit the information if the AI fails.

Also read: Earth-2: Nvidia announces AI-powered weather forecasting digital twin

Engaging with audience

As mentioned by The Weather Company, local weather is the most attractive to news stations, and people often use multiple sources to predict the weather because they find they can’t trust any of them completely.

According to a study by SmithGeiger, only 22% of respondents are satisfied with the forecasts and reports they receive.

Viewers will be more willing to engage if weather forecasts can be combined with local information.


Jennifer Yu

Jennifer Yu is an junior reporter at BTW Media covering artificial intelligence and products. She graduated from The University of Hong Kong. Send tips to

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