Knowing the power of AWS hybrid cloud solutions

  • The main difference between AWS hybrid cloud and a “normal” or generic hybrid cloud is the specific inclusion of Amazon Web Services (AWS) as the public cloud provider in the AWS hybrid cloud model.
  • The primary difference lies in the choice of AWS as the public cloud provider and the specific integration tools and services offered within the AWS ecosystem to support hybrid cloud deployments.
  • The unique aspect of AWS Hybrid Cloud is its ability to provide a flexible environment for enterprises to seamlessly move data and applications between on-premises (self-owned data centres) and the AWS Cloud.

AWS hybrid cloud refers to an environment where enterprises can seamlessly integrate their on-premises infrastructure (self-owned data centres) with the AWS Cloud, allowing for flexible movement of data and applications while maintaining security and control.

AWS hybrid cloud stands out for its seamless integration capabilities, providing enterprises with the flexibility to leverage both on-premises and cloud resources while maintaining security and control, which may differ from other hybrid cloud solutions in terms of integration options, security measures, and management features.

What is AWS hybrid cloud?

AWS (Amazon Web Services) hybrid cloud refers to a cloud computing environment that combines on-premises infrastructure (private cloud) with AWS cloud services (public cloud).

This approach allows organisations to leverage the scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of AWS while also maintaining certain workloads or data on their own infrastructure for reasons such as compliance, security, or performance requirements.

AWS provides several services and solutions to support hybrid cloud architectures, such as AWS Outposts, AWS Storage Gateway, AWS Direct Connect, and AWS VPN.

These services enable seamless integration and data exchange between on-premises environments and the AWS cloud, allowing organisations to extend their existing infrastructure into the cloud while maintaining control over their resources.

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4 differences from hybrid cloud

1. Cloud provider

In a generic hybrid cloud environment, the public cloud component could be provided by any cloud service provider, such as Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, or IBM Cloud, in addition to AWS. In contrast, AWS hybrid cloud specifically refers to a hybrid architecture where AWS is the chosen public cloud provider.

2. Integration tools and services

AWS offers a set of integration tools and services tailored to enable hybrid cloud deployments within their ecosystem. These include AWS Outposts, AWS Storage Gateway, AWS Direct Connect, and AWS VPN. These services are designed to seamlessly integrate on-premises infrastructure with AWS cloud services, facilitating data exchange and management between environments.

3. Ecosystem and support

Choosing AWS as the public cloud provider for a hybrid cloud environment means leveraging the extensive AWS ecosystem, including a wide range of cloud services, solutions, and partner integrations. AWS also provides comprehensive documentation, support, and training resources specific to hybrid cloud deployments.

4. Pricing and billing

While hybrid cloud architectures typically involve a mix of on-premises infrastructure and cloud services, the pricing and billing models may vary depending on the specific cloud provider and services used. AWS offers various pricing options and cost management tools tailored to hybrid environments to optimise costs and ensure transparency.

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4 key distinctive features

1. Consistent operating environment

AWS Hybrid Cloud provides a consistent operating environment between on-premises and AWS Cloud, enabling more efficient execution of development, deployment, monitoring, and management tasks.

2. Hybrid connectivity

AWS hybrid cloud offers secure connectivity between on-premises infrastructure and the AWS Cloud, allowing enterprises to move data and share resources securely over a trusted network.

3. Hybrid storage

AWS hybrid cloud integrates on-premises and cloud-based storage options, simplifying data management and enabling flexible movement and storage management.

4. Consistent security and compliance

AWS hybrid cloud provides consistent security and compliance across on-premises and cloud environments, ensuring data and applications are kept secure.


Rita Li

Rita Lian intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in Products. She graduated from University of Communication University of Zhejiang. Send tips to

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