2 benefits of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Transit Routing

  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Transit Routing provides global network coverage, allowing businesses to deploy services worldwide while maintaining network consistency and performance.
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Transit Routing simplifies network management by offering a centralised platform that automates configuration and provides a unified view of global network operations, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing complexity.
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Transit Routing enhances connectivity by enabling seamless inter-cloud and hybrid integrations, ensuring consistent performance and security across multiple platforms and regions.

As businesses rapidly adopt cloud technologies and strive to enhance their network infrastructure, it is essential for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Transit Routing to decisively meet these evolving demands.

–Jinny Xu, BTW reporter

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Transit Routing is a network service provided by Oracle that enables enterprises to connect and manage multiple cloud environments and on-premises data centres through a centralised network architecture. In this blog post, we will explore two key advantages of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Transit Routing through practical examples.

1. Streamlined network management

Centralised network architecture

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Transit Routing enables businesses to centralise their network management across various cloud services and on-premises data centres. This unified approach means that administrators have a holistic view of the network, allowing for more efficient monitoring, troubleshooting, and policy enforcement. The centralised architecture is particularly beneficial for large enterprises with a global footprint, as it simplifies the oversight of a distributed network.

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Consider a global retail chain with stores across different continents. With Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Transit Routing, the IT team can manage network traffic from a central location, ensuring consistent security policies and performance metrics are maintained across all regions. This centralised control reduces the need for local IT staff and allows for quicker response times to network issues, which is critical during peak shopping seasons or promotional events.

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Automation and scalability

TIC’s support for automation extends beyond basic network configuration. It includes sophisticated features such as autoscaling and load balancing, which dynamically adjust resources based on real-time traffic analysis. This level of automation not only reduces the potential for human error but also ensures that the network can handle sudden spikes in demand without manual intervention.

2. Enhanced connectivity

Seamless inter-cloud connectivity

One of the standout features of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Transit Routing is its ability to connect seamlessly with other major cloud providers. This interoperability is crucial for businesses that operate in a multi-cloud environment, where applications and data might be spread across different platforms.

A financial services firm may use AWS for its analytics workloads and Azure for its customer relationship management (CRM) applications. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Transit Routing can create a secure and efficient connection between these platforms, allowing for real-time data sharing and collaboration without compromising on security or performance.

Integration with on-premises and cloud

For businesses that are gradually migrating to the cloud, TIC offers a smooth transition path. It allows for a hybrid approach where certain applications and data remain on-premises while others are moved to the cloud. This hybrid model is particularly useful for applications that require low-latency access or must comply with strict data governance regulations.

Global network coverage

Oracle’s extensive global network footprint ensures that businesses can maintain consistent network performance regardless of location. This is especially important for applications that require high availability and low latency, such as online gaming, live streaming, or real-time financial trading platforms.


Jinny Xu

Jinny Xu is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Fintech and AI. She graduated from Chongqing Institute of Foreign Studies.Send tips to j.xu@btw.media.

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