How fintech is changing financial services?

  • Fintech, a fusion of “financial” and “technology,” is revolutionising the financial sector by leveraging technological advancements to enhance the delivery and efficiency of financial services and products.
  • Originating in the late 1990s and early 2000s with the advent of widespread internet adoption, fintech has experienced exponential growth, particularly with the rise of smartphone usage, with approximately 80% of Americans incorporating digital apps and services for financial management by 2022.
  • Fintech innovations encompass a range of technologies, including AI, big data, blockchain, and cloud computing, offering solutions such as online banking, digital payments, mobile banking, alternative lending, robo-advisors, blockchain technology, data analytics, and cloud computing, thereby expanding access to financial services and transforming the delivery methods of financial institutions.

Fintech, the marriage of finance and technology, is reshaping the financial landscape, offering innovative solutions like online banking and blockchain to democratise access and streamline operations.

What is fintech?

By now, everyone is familiar with fintech, but what exactly does it entail? Fintech, a portmanteau of “financial” and “technology,” pertains to the application of technology aimed at enhancing the provision and functionalities of financial services and products.

Also read: HSBC and HKSTP collaborate to propel HK fintech development

What is the history of fintech?

Though the term itself is relatively recent, the underlying concept is not. Fintech first surfaced in the late 1990s and early 2000s coinciding with the widespread adoption of the internet. Suddenly, banks began offering online banking services. In its initial stages, fintech primarily facilitated online balance inquiries, with limited functionalities. However, this scenario would soon undergo significant transformations.

The mid-2000s witnessed a surge in fintech innovation. With the increasing popularity of smartphones, connectivity became ubiquitous. A nationwide survey in 2022 revealed that roughly 80% of Americans utilised digital applications and services to manage their finances, with over 50% incorporating fintech into their daily routines. Modern fintech encompasses technologies such as AI, big data, and blockchain.

Fintech, or financial technology, is reshaping the financial landscape in myriad ways. From payment processing and money transfers to financial planning and investment management, fintech is introducing novel and efficient solutions to diverse financial needs. One of its most notable impacts lies in the transformation of financial service delivery methods.

In how many ways has fintech expanded access to financial services?

1. Online banking

Fintech enterprises have introduced online banking facilities, enabling clients to access their accounts, conduct transactions, and manage their finances via websites or mobile applications. This has facilitated convenient access to financial services from any location, at any time, eliminating the necessity for physical bank visits.

Also read: UK fintech TransferGo secures $10M investment, eyeing expansion

2. Digital payments

Fintech entities have developed digital payment platforms facilitating electronic money transfers and payments, obviating the need for cash or checks. This has streamlined payment processes for goods and services, while also reducing transaction costs.

3. Mobile banking

Fintech firms have launched mobile banking services enabling users to access financial services through their mobile devices. Particularly advantageous for individuals in developing nations with limited access to traditional banking services.

4. Alternative lending

Fintech enterprises have introduced alternative lending platforms enabling individuals to obtain loans outside the conventional banking framework. Leveraging technology for credit assessment, these platforms extend loans to individuals ineligible for traditional bank loans.

5. Robo-advisors

Fintech companies have introduced robo-advisors utilising algorithms and artificial intelligence to furnish financial advice and investment management services. This has democratised access to financial advice and investment opportunities.

6. Blockchain technology

Fintech has introduced blockchain technology, a digital ledger ensuring secure and transparent transactions. Blockchain finds application in digital currencies like Bitcoin, as well as smart contracts and various financial processes.

7. Data analytics

Fintech enterprises leverage data analytics and artificial intelligence to analyse financial data and deliver personalised financial services to clients. This enhances the customisation and convenience of financial services.

8. Cloud computing

Fintech has embraced cloud computing for storing and processing financial data. Cloud computing facilitates secure and efficient data management, enabling fintech enterprises to scale their operations seamlessly.


Tilly Lu

Tilly Lu, an intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in Fintech and Blockchain. She is studying Broadcasting and Hosting in Sanming University. Send tips to

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