3 key uses of blockchain technology: Finance, logistics and healthcare

  • Blockchain technology uses a unique data structure with cryptographic methods and consensus mechanisms like Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) to ensure data security, integrity, and consistency across a decentralised network.
  • Blockchain’s decentralised and secure nature enables wide-ranging applications in finance (digital currencies, smart contracts, asset management), logistics (traceability, logistics management), and healthcare (data sharing, drug traceability, medical insurance).
  • The technology’s potential extends to digital identity authentication, supply chain management, IoT integration, and energy management, promising greater transparency, efficiency, and security in these areas.

Blockchain is a distributed database technology that stores data in blocks and uses cryptographic methods to ensure data security and integrity. Each block contains a certain amount of transaction information and is encrypted and linked to the previous block, forming an ever-growing chain. This design makes data tampering impossible within the network because any attempt to modify the data in one block would disrupt the continuity of the entire chain. Through a decentralised network structure, blockchain technology achieves distributed data sharing and management, ensuring data security and reliability without the need for trusted intermediaries.

Blockchain technology has garnered significant attention in recent years due to its wide-ranging applications across various fields, including finance, logistics, and healthcare. This article will delve into the blockchain technology from the perspectives of technical principles, applications, and future development.

Technical principles of blockchain technology

The core of blockchain technology lies in its unique data structure. A blockchain consists of a series of data blocks arranged in chronological order, each containing a certain amount of transaction information and a pointer to the previous data block. This chain structure ensures data integrity and traceability.

Moreover, blockchain technology employs cryptographic principles to ensure data security. Each data block generates a unique digital fingerprint, or hash value, through a hashing algorithm. This hash value is closely related to the block’s content and exhibits the avalanche effect, meaning even a slight change in the block’s content will result in a significant difference in the hash value. This characteristic ensures that any tampering with the block’s content changes its hash value, making it detectable by other nodes in the network.

Blockchain technology also employs consensus mechanisms to ensure data consistency among network nodes. The most commonly used consensus mechanisms include Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS). These mechanisms use specific algorithms and rules to enable nodes within the network to reach a consensus on new data blocks, ensuring the stability and reliability of the entire blockchain network.

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Applications of blockchain technology

1. Financial sector

Digital currencies

The core of blockchain technology is decentralisation, which enables peer-to-peer transactions without third-party institutions. The rise of digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum leverages the decentralised nature of blockchain technology.

Smart contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts where the terms are directly written into code. Blockchain technology ensures the security and reliability of smart contracts, leading to widespread applications in the financial sector.

Asset management

Blockchain technology enables the secure storage and transaction of digital assets, making it widely used in asset management. For example, on-chain digital asset securitisation platforms can enhance the liquidity of traditional assets.

2. Logistics sector


Blockchain technology enables product traceability by recording transaction information at each stage, ensuring product quality and safety. For instance, Cainiao Network utilises blockchain technology to establish a global logistics traceability platform that tracks products from origin to endpoint.

Logistics management

Blockchain technology facilitates real-time sharing and interaction of logistics information, improving efficiency and reducing costs. For example, IBM and Maersk’s “TradeLens” platform enables global logistics information sharing and management.

3. Healthcare sector

Data sharing

Sharing medical data has always been challenging in the healthcare industry. Blockchain technology enables secure sharing of medical data, protecting patient privacy. For instance, MediBloc’s medical data sharing platform allows patients and doctors to control their own medical data.

Share medical data

Drug traceability

Blockchain technology ensures the traceability of drugs, guaranteeing their authenticity and quality. For example, China’s electronic drug supervision code platform uses blockchain technology for drug traceability and anti-counterfeiting.

Medical insurance

Blockchain technology brings transparency and efficiency to medical insurance. For instance, an American insurance company uses blockchain technology to establish a decentralised medical insurance platform, automating and streamlining insurance claims.

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Future development of blockchain technology

With continuous advancements in blockchain-related technologies, its applications will become increasingly widespread. In the future, blockchain technology is expected to be further applied in the following areas:

Digital identity authentication

Blockchain technology can enable secure digital identity authentication, offering a robust solution to protect personal privacy and prevent identity theft. Unlike traditional systems, which rely on centralised databases vulnerable to breaches, blockchain provides a decentralised approach where individuals control their own identities. Each digital identity is encrypted and stored across the blockchain, making it nearly impossible for unauthorised parties to alter or access the data without detection. This system can streamline processes such as online transactions, access to government services, and verification of credentials, significantly enhancing security and user confidence in digital interactions.

Supply chain management

Blockchain technology can revolutionise supply chain management by bringing unparalleled transparency and efficiency. Each step of a product’s journey, from raw materials to the end consumer, can be recorded on the blockchain. This immutable record ensures that every transaction is visible and verifiable, reducing the risk of fraud, errors, and inefficiencies. For example, consumers can trace the origins of food products, verifying their organic or fair-trade status. Manufacturers can track components to ensure compliance with safety standards. This transparency can enhance trust among all stakeholders, streamline logistics, reduce costs, and ensure product quality and safety.

Internet of things (IoT)

Blockchain technology can enable secure interaction and data sharing among IoT devices, fostering the development of IoT ecosystems. In a blockchain-enabled IoT network, devices can autonomously execute transactions and share data without the need for centralised control. This decentralised approach enhances the security of IoT systems by reducing the risk of a single point of failure and making it more difficult for hackers to compromise the network. For instance, smart home devices can securely communicate with each other and with external services, ensuring that personal data remains protected. This integration can drive innovation, enabling new applications and services that leverage real-time data from interconnected devices.

Energy management

Blockchain technology can facilitate decentralised and intelligent energy management, improving energy utilisation efficiency and reducing costs. In a blockchain-based energy market, consumers and producers can trade energy directly without intermediaries, leading to more competitive pricing and efficient distribution. For example, households with solar panels can sell excess energy to their neighbours, creating a local energy grid that optimises supply and demand. Blockchain can also enable more accurate tracking of energy consumption and production, helping to balance loads and integrate renewable energy sources. This decentralised approach can lead to a more resilient and sustainable energy infrastructure, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions.


Crystal Feng

Crystal Feng is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave dedicated in tech trends. She is studying Chinese-English translation at Beijing International Studies University. Send tips to c.feng@btw.media.

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