Blue Planet launches first multi-cloud native OSS platform

  • Blue Planet announces major improvements to its intelligent automation software portfolio, launching the industry’s only multi-cloud native OSS platform.
  • The new platform offers a new level of convergence, embraces the cloud and transforms OSS into a competitive advantage while reducing operational costs and allowing for the rapid creation of new business models.
  • The company says the platform will also “help drive faster innovation, reduce operating costs, and greatly improve the end-user experience.”

‘Only in the industry’ after major improvements

Ciena’s Blue Planet today announced major improvements to its intelligent automation software portfolio, launching the industry’s only multi-cloud native OSS platform.

Compared to previous versions of Blue Planet Software, the latest update includes software upgrades in the service and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) support.

This enables communication service providers using the platform to adopt a DevOps model and quickly introduce new services, which is critical to the enhanced agility Ciena aims to provide for communication service providers (CSPS).

Joe Cumello, senior vice president and general manager of Blue Planet, said: “The Blue Planet cloud-native platform goes beyond the traditional custom ‘spaghetti integration’ approach that hamties the adaptability, openness and agility of CSPS.

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Turn OSS into a competitive advantage

Cumello said the new platform offers a new level of convergence, embraces the cloud and turns OSS into a competitive advantage while reducing operational costs and allowing for the rapid creation of new business models.

The cloud-native platform also supports any cloud environment, including public, private and hybrid cloud environments, to reduce vendor lock-in. In addition, it provides common lifecycle management for all Blue Planet OSS applications, resulting in lower total cost of ownership (TCO).

CSPS can deploy individual applications independently or together to handle the most important OSS modernisation projects at their own pace. These include the Blue Planet Inventory, Blue Planet Orchestration, and Blue Planet Assurance apps, all of which are currently available on the platform.

Francis Haysom, principal analyst at Appledore Research, said, “The traditional OSS of CSPS is a complex environment of highly customised siloed systems, limiting growth and improving agility.”

“The new Blue Planet cloud-native platform combines Blue Planet’s unique capabilities, telecom experience and cloud-native vision to lay the foundation for CSPS to simplify and modernise their operations,” Haysom said.

The platform integrates AI-driven operations through the use of AI Studio, which can apply machine learning and AI-based capabilities to any combination of product applications or operational processes.


Tuna Tu

Tuna Tu, an intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in IT infrastructure and media. She graduated from The Communication University of Zhejiang and now works in Hangzhou. Send tips to

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