Proton VPN reports 4000% spike in Venezuelan users

  • Proton VPN reports a 4000% increase in sign-ups from Venezuela.
  • Venezuelan authorities reportedly attempt to block VPN usage.

The surge in VPN sign-ups in Venezuela reflects heightened concerns over internet freedom following the presidential elections. This trend underscores the vital role VPNs play in circumventing censorship and accessing unrestricted information.
— Zoey Zhu, BTW reporter

What happened

VPN usage in Venezuela has skyrocketed in the aftermath of the presidential elections held on July 28, 2024. Proton VPN, one of the leading VPN services, reported a staggering 4000% increase in sign-ups, with downloads continuing to soar. According to TechRadar, Proton VPN’s Android app has become the most downloaded application in the Venezuelan Android app store across all categories, and it is among the top three on Apple’s App Store.

David Peterson, General Manager at Proton VPN, highlighted the unprecedented nature of this surge, noting that VPN apps have surpassed social media and communication apps in downloads. However, Venezuelan authorities have reportedly tried to clamp down on VPN usage, with some Proton users experiencing access issues. Despite a disinformation campaign targeting Proton VPN, efforts to block the service have been ineffective so far.

Also read: Apple blocks 25 VPN apps in Russia

Also read: Demystifying anti-DDoS VPN: Enhancing cyber security

Why it’s important

The spike in VPN usage in Venezuela underscores the increasing reliance on technology to maintain basic freedoms amid censorship and internet restrictions. VPNs have become essential tools for accessing news, social media, and other services when local restrictions are imposed. The recent elections saw multiple websites blocked, prompting users to turn to VPNs to bypass these barriers.

Proton VPN launched a free network of anti-censorship servers in Venezuela to support internet freedom during the elections. This initiative highlights the critical role of VPNs in preserving access to information and ensuring online privacy. As internet censorship tightens, having a VPN downloaded in advance becomes crucial for Venezuelan citizens. The sharing of how-to guides among users further emphasises the community’s efforts to combat censorship and protect their digital rights.


Zoey Zhu

Zoey Zhu is a news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in tech trends. She got a Master degree from University College London. Send emails to
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