AI startups ramp up lobbying efforts to shape future policy

  • At the U.S. federal level, AI startups are stepping up their lobbying efforts in response to the ongoing generative AI boom and an election year that can impact future AI regulations.
  • Companies such as OpenAI have increased their lobbying spending, hiring external lobbyists and internal policy teams to influence AI-related policies and regulations.

AI lobbying at the federal government level is intensifying in the U.S. as generative AI booms. AI startups such as OpenAI have significantly increased their lobbying expenditures, hiring more external lobbyists and members of their internal policy teams in an effort to play a larger role in AI policymaking. These companies are actively preparing for possible changes in AI regulations, including supporting specific legislative proposals and increasing investments in education.

-Rae Li, BTW reporter

What happened

In the first half of 2024, the number of AI-related lobbying groups in the U.S. federal government increased to 556, up from 459 in 2023. It demonstrates a significant increase in the AI industry’s activism in policymaking. OpenAI, a leader in the generative AI space, sees its lobbying expenditures increase from $260,000 in 2023 to $800,000 in the first half of 2024. It also expands its external lobbying team from three consultants to approximately fifteen. what’s more, OpenAI has hired former Republican Senator Norm Coleman to push R&D issues and strengthened its internal policy team, including hiring Chan Park, former senior director of congressional affairs at Microsoft, to lead the U.S.-Canada partnership.

OpenAI competitor Anthropic is also planning to spend $500,000 on lobbying in the coming months, and its 2024 spending is already at $250,000. Smaller AI companies such as Cohere are increasing their lobbying spending from $70,000 in 2023 to $120,000 in the first half of 2024.

Also read: OpenAI supports legislation to shape the future of AI

Also read: OpenAI unveils real-time voice mode for ChatGPT

Why it’s important 

AI startups increase lobbying spending and team members, reflecting the growing influence and urgency of the AI industry in policymaking. With the rapid development and widespread adoption of AI technology, industry leaders such as OpenAI and Anthropic are actively seeking to play a key role in shaping future AI regulations and policies. The actions of these companies indicate that the AI industry is attempting to ensure that its interests are protected and reflected in upcoming policy discussions and legislative processes.

AI startups’ focus on lobbying activities reveals the industry’s concerns about potential regulatory risks. Against the backdrop of an election year and increased policy uncertainty, AI companies are fighting for a favourable policy environment by increasing their lobbying activities. This strategy is not only helping to shape the regulatory framework for AI, but may also influence the long-term direction and market acceptance of AI technology.


Rae Li

Rae Li is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering IT infrastructure and Internet governance. She graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle. Send tips to

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