X Releases Payouts After a Disheartening Delay

X’s payout has finally arrived after a disappointing delay. Shortly after, X announced lower requirements for revenue sharing. Discover how you might qualify.

Elon Musk’s new initiative, the X Ads Revenue Sharing program, has issued its latest round of payments after a delay which disappointed many. The scheme, which compensates Twitter users who post on X for views from verified accounts, has undergone changes, now allowing an account to request a payout after earning $10.

X Claims the Need for Accuracy Caused Delays

The recent disbursement of X Premium Ads Revenue Sharing payments, initially delayed, has been successfully distributed as confirmed by a tweet from the @Support account.

Addressing the delay, X employee Eric Farraro stated that the company ensured payments were withheld until they were confident about their accuracy.

Regarding the program’s future rounds, Farraro explained that while payouts to a smaller number of creators have been carried out previously, scaling up to accommodate thousands of creators poses engineering, operational, and support challenges. The recent completion of the initial payout wave has made the process more manageable.

Details Missing in the Payout

Although payments have been processed, participants have noted the absence of specific details on how the payout amounts were calculated and the exact period they cover. X employee Evan Jones acknowledged this issue and expressed the company’s intention to enhance this aspect.

While comprehensive reports on payment allocations are scarce, users on the platform have contributed to a clearer understanding of the situation by sharing information. @xDaily revealed a message from an X employee suggesting that the most recent payment cycle pertained only to July, unlike the initial payment covering several months.

Attempts to estimate the value of a view have been made by comparing deposits to Twitter’s view analytics.

Musk confirmed that payments are exclusively for views originating from verified accounts. He emphasised that this restriction aims to prevent bots from inundating the system, despite reports of verified bot and spam accounts.

Huge Changes to Payout Terms

Shortly after the payouts were released, Elon Musk, in a @Support post, announced notable changes to the program’s terms. The minimum payout threshold has been reduced to $10, and the minimum impressions requirement within three months has been lowered from 15 million to 5 million views.

Musk highlighted that these adjustments facilitate quicker earnings for those utilising additional features, essentially rendering X Premium (formerly Twitter Blue) free for accounts generating over 5 million views.


Bal M

Bal was BTW's copywriter specialising in tech and productivity tools. He has experience working in startups, mid-size tech companies, and non-profits.

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