Twitter Blue Clients Can Now Go Low-Profile by Hiding Their Badges

Twitter gives users the option to hide their verification status. Find out how this seemingly benign change sparked a debate among Twitter users.

Twitter Blue Clients Can Now Go Low-Profile by Hiding Their Badges

Twitter Blue’s latest update introduces an intriguing change that offers users more autonomy over their online presence and privacy. By allowing individuals to conceal their verification badges, Twitter acknowledges that not everyone seeks or benefits from the added visibility linked to having a verified account.

This alteration may also impact how users perceive credibility on the platform, as distinguishing between genuine accounts and potential impostors could become more challenging when more users opt to hide their badges.

The option to hide blue verification badges has sparked a spirited debate among users. While some argue that these badges provide credibility and authenticity, others find them intrusive and unnecessary.

Concealing the badge brings several advantages to the table. Firstly, it levels the playing field, removing any bias or unfair advantage arising from having a verified account. This fosters more inclusive and open conversations among users.

Secondly, hiding the badge allows individuals to prioritise their privacy and security, minimising targeted attention from trolls or harassers who often focus on verified accounts.

Lastly, opting out of displaying the blue verification badge encourages content-based interactions, focusing on the substance rather than an account’s status.

How to Hide the Blue Verification Badge

For those eager to hide their blue verification badge, follow these simple steps:

1. Open the Twitter app or access the website on your computer.

2. Log in to your account using your credentials.

3. Navigate to your profile by clicking your profile picture or selecting the “Profile” tab.

4. Click on the “Edit Profile” button.

5. Scroll down to find the “Verification Badge” section.

6. Toggle off the switch next to “Show my verification badge.”

7. Confirm your decision by clicking “Continue” or “Yes.”

8. Your blue verification badge will now be hidden from public view on Twitter.

Twitter’s Decision Sparked Online Debates

Twitter’s decision to allow badge hiding has triggered a range of reactions and controversies within the user community. Supporters praise the move for promoting user privacy and granting more control over personal branding. They believe this feature protects against potential harassment or targeted attacks.

On the other hand, critics argue that verification badges play a crucial role in establishing credibility and trustworthiness on the platform. They fear that allowing users to hide their badges might enable misinformation or impersonation, making it harder to differentiate between authentic and fake accounts.

The debate continues to shape the future of Twitter’s verification system and its implications for user interactions.



Ivy Wu

Ivy Wu was a media reporter at btw media. She graduated from Korea University with a major in media and communication, and has rich experience in reporting and news writing.

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