First edition of YTCA 2024 at UM6P celebrates innovation and cultural exchange

  • UM6P and CAYSTI launch the inaugural Youth Tech Challenge Africa, fostering innovation among young Moroccan and Cameroonian tech enthusiasts.
  • The event combines competitive prototyping with a rich array of cultural and recreational activities, showcasing the strength of African diversity.
  • Supported by Bridge Africa and numerous UM6P entities, YTCA 2024 aims to inspire the next generation of African leaders in technology and robotics.

The Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), in collaboration with the Cameroon Youth School Tech Incubator (CAYSTI), is thrilled to announce the successful launch of the first edition of the Youth Tech Challenge Africa (YTCA 2024). Held under the umbrella of the Africa Bridge initiative, this event marks a significant milestone in promoting innovation, technology, and cultural exchange among the youth of Morocco and Cameroon. The YTCA 2024 brings together some of the brightest young minds in robotics and technology from both nations, fostering a spirit of collaboration and mutual learning.

Prototyping and cultural exchange: Building bridges through technology

Throughout the event, participants have been deeply engaged in prototyping activities, developing innovative solutions that reflect their technical skills and creative thinking. However, the YTCA 2024 is not just about competition. The organisers have thoughtfully integrated a series of cultural and recreational activities, including a vibrant cultural day, an engaging movie night, thrilling football matches, and various other events. These activities have not only provided a break from the intense focus of the competition but also served to strengthen the bonds between the participants, highlighting the power of diversity and inclusion within the African continent.

The cultural exchange aspect of the YTCA 2024 has been particularly impactful, as it has allowed participants to share their unique cultural perspectives and learn from one another in a supportive environment. This blend of technology and culture underscores the holistic approach of the YTCA 2024, where building relationships and understanding among participants is just as important as the technical achievements.

Collaboration and support: A unified effort to empower African youth

The Youth Tech Challenge Africa (YTCA 2024) is the result of a collaborative effort led by UM6P and CAYSTI, with significant support from the Africa Bridge initiative. Various departments within UM6P, including 1337, GTI, AgriTech, CAES, StatGate, Mahir Center, the sports department, the learning centre, and the operations and communication teams, have all played crucial roles in the success of the event. Their collective efforts have created an environment where young innovators can thrive, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in technology and robotics.

As the competition progresses, the teams are now putting the finishing touches on their prototypes, with the goal of presenting them to a distinguished jury on August 8. The anticipation is high as these young innovators prepare to showcase their work, which could pave the way for future technological advancements in Africa.

The YTCA 2024 is not just a competition; it is a celebration of youth, innovation, and the shared future of the African continent. It exemplifies the commitment of UM6P and its partners to empower the next generation of leaders who will drive progress and change in their communities and beyond.

About UM6P

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P; French: Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique) is a Moroccan non-profit private research university. Its main campus is located within the Green City of Benguerir. Focused on African development, the university emphasizes applied research and innovation and is committed to regional economic and human development. The university also has branches in Rabat, Laâyoune, and Paris. A suburban campus is set to open in El Jadida in 2034.

The university welcomed its first cohort of students in 2013 before being officially inaugurated on January 11, 2017. Since then, it has continued to expand, becoming a leading research institution fostering collaborations between Africa and Europe. UM6P is also home to the most powerful supercomputer in Africa. The university encompasses several schools and research institutes, some of which existed before the university was established. UM6P has numerous international partnerships with universities worldwide, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Columbia Business School, Max Planck Society, HEC Paris, Mines ParisTech, the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, McGill University, and Sciences Po.


Zoey Zhu

Zoey Zhu is a news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in tech trends. She got a Master degree from University College London. Send emails to
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