5 top tech stories this week: November 3, 2023

Three tech lawyers talk about Sam Bankman-Fried’ s trial and a revolutionary product AI Pin, among other stories. Here’s our rundown of the top stories this week.

Read more about each story on the links below:

Is Sam Bankman-Fried guilty? 3 tech lawyers have their say

X introduces video and audio calling, musk labels it a test product

Discover the 10 AI Tools Revolutionising the Way We Work

Wearable & powered by GPT-4, the AI Pin will soon drop

Apple Increases Prices for TV+, Arcade, and News+ Subscriptions


Yulan Deng

Yulan Deng is a video producer with a background in University of Arts London. She is passionate about discussing fintech. You can reach out to her at y.l.deng@btw.media.

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