Zoom Revises Terms Amidst Backlash, Clarifies AI Data Usage

Updated Terms and Features

Zoom Revises Terms Amidst Backlash, Clarifies AI Data Usage

Following recent concerns and criticism, Zoom has revised its terms of service to address the use of customer content in training artificial intelligence (AI) models. The videoconferencing giant’s initial terms had raised alarms by seemingly allowing royalty-free access to customer video calls and presentations for AI training.

In response to the backlash, Zoom has now explicitly stated that it will not employ customer audio, video, chat content, or other communications for generative AI development.

Updated Terms and Features

The change comes alongside the rollout of two AI features—Zoom IQ Meeting Summary and Zoom IQ Team Chat Compose—which provide automated meeting summaries and AI-powered chat composition. Users retain control over enabling these AI features within their accounts.

However, privacy advocates and experts have a warning: while Zoom’s updated terms prohibit the use of content without consent, they also emphasise the company’s continued ownership of service-generated data.

Zoom’s pledge not to use audio, video, or chat content for AI model training without consent is now enshrined in its user agreement. Nevertheless, concerns linger over the extent to which customer data might still be employed for AI training.

This clarification aims to dispel confusion among users regarding the use and protection of their data during digital interactions on the platform.

Vague Terms Cast Doubts

Critics argue that the broad language in Zoom’s revised terms leaves room for potential ambiguity. Despite committing to utilize customer data solely for AI-powered features like meeting summaries, the terms do not preclude the company from expanding its AI projects in the future.

Meanwhile, privacy-conscious users are exploring alternatives to Zoom. Signal, noted for its robust privacy focus, ensures no collection or storage of sensitive information. Jitsi, an open-source videoconferencing tool, offers free, unlimited group calls, appealing to those seeking privacy-friendly options for virtual interactions.

Zoom’s revisions reflect an ongoing balancing act between accommodating AI-driven features and addressing user privacy concerns.


Bal M

Bal was BTW's copywriter specialising in tech and productivity tools. He has experience working in startups, mid-size tech companies, and non-profits.

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