What is hybrid cloud migration?

  • Hybrid cloud migration is the process of seamlessly integrating a combination of on-premises infrastructure, private cloud services, and public cloud resources.
  • It enables organisations to leverage the benefits of both public and private cloud environments while maintaining control over sensitive data and critical workloads.
  • Cloud migration enables you to optimise your IT infrastructure for cost, performance, and security, making it a flexible and efficient approach to digital transformation.

Hybrid cloud migration represents a paradigm shift in how organisations deploy and manage IT infrastructure. By combining the best of both worlds – the scalability of the public cloud and the control of on-premises infrastructure – businesses can unlock new levels of agility, innovation, and efficiency. However, successful hybrid cloud migration requires careful planning, comprehensive risk assessment, and ongoing optimisation to realise its full potential. 

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What is hybrid cloud migration?

Hybrid cloud migration entails the strategic movement of your organisation’s digital assets, workloads, and applications across a blend of on-premises, private cloud, and public cloud environments.

This approach offers a delicate balance between control, compliance, and agility, harnessing the unique advantages of both on-premises and cloud-based solutions. For instance, sensitive data can remain on-premises to uphold security standards, while cloud scalability can be leveraged for dynamic customer-facing applications.

By adopting hybrid cloud migration, you can finely tune your IT infrastructure to optimise factors such as cost, performance, and security. This flexible and efficient strategy paves the way for seamless digital transformation, empowering your organisation to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving technological landscape.

Also read: Cloud computing and IoT: How do they work together?

Benefits of hybrid cloud migration

Hybrid cloud migration combines the best of both worlds, marrying the security of on-premises systems with the scalability of cloud solutions.  

Let’s take a closer look at the main benefits this versatile computing environment offers: 

1. Easing your customers into the SaaS model 

If done correctly, hybrid cloud migration will enable your apps to pull data from the same databases already running on your customers’ sites. So, your customers will be working with the same data and the same trust in that data when using your new cloud-based apps.  

Combined with the accessibility of your cloud-based offering, this should allow you to sell customers on paying a little extra per month to live in the Cloud. The extra revenue you receive will help offset the costs incurred during your hybrid cloud transformation.  

And, of course, middleware vendors offering their users access to your software can also charge for access to your cloud-based app, which is a revenue win all-around.  

2. Data is stored securely but accessible anywhere 

The ease of access offered by the Cloud represents its most powerful asset, yet simultaneously poses a significant concern, particularly for companies handling highly sensitive data, such as confidential customer information or data regulated by stringent industry standards like HIPAA.

With the hybrid cloud model, businesses can mitigate these concerns by retaining sensitive data on-site while migrating non-sensitive material to the Cloud. This strategic approach enables organisations to capitalise on the cost-effectiveness and flexibility of cloud infrastructure while upholding stringent data security standards.

3. Your existing software serves as the base for your cloud apps 

This is both the central tenant and the biggest benefit of hybrid cloud implementation. As we said above, creating a brand-new, Cloud-based application can prove expensive and demanding.  

But what if you didn’t have to start from scratch?  Thankfully, you don’t.  There are a variety of solutionsthat help you create web APIs.  Web APIs allow developers to access your software’s existing functions and your customers’ existing data when creating cloud-based apps. This reduces the costs and pressures your team will face during your migration to the hybrid cloud, and it provides you with a great starting point for a larger cloud-based strategy. 


Aria Jiang

Aria Jiang, an intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in IT infrastructure. She graduated from Ningbo Tech University. Send tips to a.jiang@btw.media

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