What is a conversational AI platform?

  • Conversational AI is enabled by technologies that understand, respond to, and learn from customer interactions. 
  • Conversational AI platforms empower organisations to automate customer service, streamline business processes, and deliver personalised experiences at scale.
  • Conversational AI has principle components that allow it to process, understand and generate response in a natural way.

Conversational AI platforms are revolutionising the way businesses interact with customers and manage operations. By leveraging advanced AI and natural language processing (NLP) technologies, these platforms enable organisations to deliver seamless, personalised experiences across various channels, driving customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and business growth. As businesses continue to embrace digital transformation, Conversational AI platforms will play an increasingly vital role in shaping the future of customer engagement and service delivery.

Also read: AI lies: Should we worry about deceptive AI models?

Understanding conversational AI

A conversational AI platform is specialised software designed to simplify the creation, training, and deployment of conversational self-service tools such as chatbots, voice bots, or virtual agents. These platforms empower organisations to develop intelligent and interactive AI agents capable of engaging in natural language conversations on a large scale. Equipped with a variety of tools, these platforms facilitate the following:

  1. Building omnichannel and multilingual bots to reach a global audience.
  2. Conducting in-platform testing of intents to identify and resolve bugs.
  3. Analysing and optimising bot performance using self-training algorithms.
  4. Driving conversational commerce initiatives to increase revenue.

The primary objective of these platforms is to streamline and scale the development of conversational AI solutions, providing businesses with a reliable solution for 24/7 customer engagement.

Also read: Difference between AI and cognitive computing

Components of conversational AI

Conversational AI relies on several key components to process, understand, and generate natural responses.

1. Machine Learning 

Machine Learning(ML) is a sub-field of artificial intelligence, made up of a set of algorithms, features, and data sets that continuously improve themselves with experience. As the input grows, the AI platform machine gets better at recognising patterns and uses it to make predictions.

2. Natural language processing 

Natural language processing(NLP)is the current method of analysing language with the help of machine learning used in conversational AI. Before machine learning, the evolution of language processing methodologies went from linguistics to computational linguistics to statistical natural language processing. In the future, deep learning will advance the natural language processing capabilities of conversational AI even further.

3. Natural language generation

Natural Language Processing (NLP) encompasses several stages to facilitate effective communication between humans and computers. It begins with input generation, where users interact with a platform either through text or voice input. The input is then processed in the input analysis stage. If it’s text-based, natural language understanding (NLU) is employed to discern its meaning and intention. In the case of speech input, a combination of automatic speech recognition (ASR) and NLU is utilised for analysis. Following input analysis comes dialogue management, where Natural Language Generation (NLG) generates a response based on the input. Finally, reinforcement learning algorithms are employed to continuously enhance the quality and accuracy of responses over time. Through these iterative steps, NLP systems become increasingly proficient at understanding and generating appropriate responses to user inputs.


Aria Jiang

Aria Jiang, an intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in IT infrastructure. She graduated from Ningbo Tech University. Send tips to a.jiang@btw.media

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