What are the top 10 real-world applications of cloud computing?

  • Cloud computing revolutionises data management, offering on-demand computing services like storage, analytics, and networking over the internet.
  • Organisations benefit from scalable storage solutions, streamlined testing processes, and cost-effective big data analytics through cloud computing.
  • Real-time applications span various sectors, including healthcare, entertainment, and social media, showcasing the versatility and impact of cloud technology.

Cloud computing can be defined as the provision of various computing services on-demand, including servers, software, storage, databases, networking, analytics, and more, via the internet. Presently, nearly every sector is embracing some form of cloud computing due to its manifold benefits. Initially, companies typically have a small workforce and therefore require only minimal database maintenance. However, as businesses expand over time, so does their data volume, necessitating centralised storage and larger databases.

In essence, every company will eventually require costly server hardware to store and manage its data. Scalability also drives companies towards cloud adoption. Cloud-based applications are notably easier to scale compared to alternatives. Additionally, hardware becomes outdated every few years, prompting software companies to release new versions with added features, necessitating software upgrades. Keeping pace with innovation without exceeding budget constraints is a formidable challenge. This is where cloud computing proves invaluable. With numerous applications, we will delve into the top 10 applications of cloud computing in this discourse.

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What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing offers the flexibility to utilise diverse services such as servers, software, storage, databases, networking, analytics, and intelligence via the internet. Examples of such services include Dropbox, Salesforce, and Microsoft Azure. Individuals use cloud computing for personal purposes, while organisations leverage it for business needs. Usage of cloud computing services varies widely among organisations, depending on their specific requirements, leading to the existence of various cloud service models tailored to meet those needs.

What are the uses of cloud computing?

Cloud services find utility at both personal and organisational levels. At the personal level, individuals can utilise the cloud for storing personal data, alleviating concerns regarding local storage capacity. Moreover, data stored in the cloud remains accessible, and as data volume grows, storage capacity can be easily expanded for a fee. Notably, cloud storage offers resilience against local hardware failures, ensuring data integrity.

At the organisational level, businesses contend with vast amounts of data that expand with company growth. Thus, scalable storage solutions become imperative. Furthermore, as the workforce expands, so does the need for on-premise data centers, which are costly to establish and maintain. Adopting cloud services circumvents these challenges, offering ample storage space and computing power without the burden of infrastructure management. Cloud computing facilitates business insights through big data analytics and offers seamless scalability for applications.

Also read: JPMorgan Chase to move data and applications to the cloud

What are the real-time applications of cloud computing?

1. Online data storage

Organisations confront the challenge of storing and managing escalating data volumes of various formats, including text, images, audio, and video. Cloud storage obviates the need for physical storage systems, providing a scalable solution for data storage.

2. Backup and recovery

Cloud service providers offer diverse data recovery options, including redundancy measures to safeguard data integrity and ensure accessibility even in the event of disasters.

3. Testing and development

Cloud platforms streamline testing processes by providing diverse IT resources and infrastructures, enabling organisations to thoroughly test product performance under various conditions.

4. Cloud computing in medical fields

Cloud computing revolutionises medical data management, facilitating remote access to patient records without reliance on physical infrastructure or paperwork.

5. Big data analysis

Cloud computing enables the storage and analysis of massive datasets, offering cost-effective solutions for organisations seeking insights from big data.

6. Entertainment applications

Cloud-based entertainment platforms leverage the cloud to deliver on-demand content worldwide, enhancing customer experience and scalability.

7. Social network platforms

Social media platforms utilise cloud storage to ensure seamless performance and offer cost-effective analytics and data backup solutions.

8. Anti-virus applications

Cloud-based antivirus solutions outperform traditional antivirus software by storing malware information in the cloud, enhancing system performance.

9. Accounting applications

Cloud-based accounting applications streamline financial management, offering scalability and accessibility without compromising data security.

10. Management applications

Cloud-based management applications like Evernote facilitate data storage, sharing, and accessibility across devices while ensuring data security through redundant storage.

Cloud computing offers a comprehensive suite of on-demand computing services delivered over the internet, catering to diverse organisational needs. By migrating infrastructure to the cloud, organisations can automate scaling processes, ensure data security, and derive insights from analytics. Cloud computing finds application across various industries, including social media, entertainment, and healthcare, revolutionising data management and accessibility.


Tilly Lu

Tilly Lu, an intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in Fintech and Blockchain. She is studying Broadcasting and Hosting in Sanming University. Send tips to t.lu@btw.media.

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