Universe Introduces GUS: The AI Designer Revolutionising Mobile Website Creation

Website Builder Opens Doors to Everyone: A new AI-powered tech will give anyone the ability to build websites regardless of skill level

Universe, the widely popular no-code mobile website builder has recently unveiled an innovative AI-powered website designer. Dubbed GUS (Generative Universe Sites), this cutting-edge tool allows users to build and launch customised websites effortlessly, right from their iOS devices. The simplicity of GUS makes it accessible to a diverse range of individuals, regardless of their coding or design skills.

How GUS Works

Getting started with GUS is easy. Users engage in a text conversation with the AI designer within the familiar Universe grid editor. GUS begins by enquiring about the type of website they want to create and gathers specific details on design preferences, colour schemes, and the number of desired pages. This conversational approach ensures that GUS comprehends the user’s vision for the website.

Once armed with the necessary information, GUS generates a fully editable layout for the website. Users can effortlessly make manual changes without having to grapple with any code. For instance, if they wish to replace an image, GUS has selected, they can easily swap it out for another. Once satisfied with the design, users can publish their website with just a few clicks.

Joseph Cohen, the founder and CEO of Universe, expressed his excitement about GUS, stating:

“When we set out to develop Universe, our mission was clear – to empower anyone to build the internet. Generative AI lets us do this at an entirely new level: just tell GUS what’s in your mind and it’ll build it for you.”

Cohen envisions that GUS will provide design support and confidence to a diverse array of users, ranging from tattoo artists to general contractors, students, pragmatists, and visionaries.

Currently available as a beta for iOS users, GUS will soon expand its availability to the web, catering to those without an iPhone or those who prefer desktop access.

Now Website Building is for Everyone

Universe’s GUS shares similarities with Wix’s AI Site Generator, as both tools aim to assist small and medium-sized businesses in establishing and maintaining websites to boost sales. A survey by Top Design Firms reveals that nearly 27% of small businesses still lack a website. Their main challenges are low traffic, adding advanced functionalities, and cost. Universe and Wix’s products seek to tackle these issues, providing a user-friendly solution for website creation.

GUS extends beyond business owners, catering to anyone seeking to create a website with ease, regardless of their technical expertise or background. Universe embraces inclusivity and accessibility in web design, and GUS represents a significant milestone in this pursuit. By harnessing its AI-powered capabilities, GUS empowers individuals from all walks of life to bring their creative visions to life on the digital canvas.

About Universe

Universe, founded in 2014, has successfully secured £47.3 million in funding to date. Their recent Series B funding of £30 million in December 2021 included notable investors such as Google Ventures, Javelin Venture Partners, and Box Group. Furthermore, Universe raised £10 million in Series A funding from Google Ventures back in April 2020.

Universe’s introduction of GUS brings forth a powerful AI-powered website designer, simplifying website creation for iOS users. Through its conversational approach and fully editable layouts, GUS ensures a user-friendly experience for individuals without coding or design skills.

Whether you’re a business owner or a creative individual, GUS offers an inclusive and accessible solution for crafting custom websites. Stay tuned for the web expansion of GUS, enabling even more users to benefit from this groundbreaking tool.


Bal M

Bal was BTW's copywriter specialising in tech and productivity tools. He has experience working in startups, mid-size tech companies, and non-profits.

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