Turkey announces the lifting of 9-day block on Instagram

  • The Turkish government announced on Saturday the restoration of access to Instagram, following a nine-day block.
  • The social media platform agreed to cooperate with Turkish authorities to address legal concerns and censorship issues.

Turkey’s lifting of the Instagram ban underscores the importance of cooperation in regulation, the challenge of content management, and the impact of social media on user rights and cybersecurity, guiding global policy adjustments.

–Rebecca Xu, BTW reporter

What happened

Turkey blocked access to the social media platform Instagram on Aug 2 for failing to comply with the country’s “laws and rules” and public sensitivities. A top Turkish official accused Instagram of blocking condolence posts over the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, leader of the Palestinian militant group Hamas. Turkey has denounced Israel’s attacks on Gaza, called for an immediate ceasefire and criticised what it calls unconditional support for Israel by the West.

The nine-day ban triggered protests from users and small businesses who reach their customers through the platform. Turkey ranks fifth in the world in terms of Instagram usage, with more than 57 million users, following India, the United States, Brazil and Indonesia, according to data platform Statista.

Turkey has announced the lifting of the 9-day block on Instagram, stating that the social media platform has now complied with the country’s laws and regulations. The decision to restore access came after negotiations between Turkish officials and Instagram representatives.

“As a result of our negotiations with Instagram officials, we will lift the access block…after they promised to work together to meet our demands regarding catalogue crimes and on censorship imposed on users,” Transport and Infrastructure Minister Abdulkadir Uraloglu said in a post on X.

Also read: Turkey blocks Instagram but gives no reason

Also read: Turkey bans Roblox over child abuse concerns

Why it’s important

The announcement of Instagram’s access restoration was a welcomed relief for the vast community of users and businesses. Many individuals and companies rely on the platform as a vital tool for communication, networking, and promoting their products and services, making the reinstatement a crucial step towards resuming normal operations and connections.

The lifting of the ban also comes as a positive development for freedom of expression in Turkey, which has faced criticism in recent years for cracking down on dissent and restricting access to online platforms. With the restoration of access to Instagram, Turkey is taking a step towards reconciliation with the social media platform and reaffirming its commitment to upholding the rule of law while respecting the rights of its citizens.


Rebecca Xu

Rebecca Xu is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in tech trends. She graduated from Changshu Institute of Technology. Send tips to r.xu@btw.media.

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