Three layers of security required by IoT platforms

  • IoT platforms need to ensure device layer security, network layer security, and cloud platform and application layer security.
  • These three layers of security use encrypted communication, firewall intrusion detection, security monitoring and other means to ensure network security.

IoT platforms require robust security measures due to the sensitive nature of the data they handle and the potential impact of security breaches. IoT platforms can mitigate risks associated with cyber threats and provide a secure environment for connected devices and data by device layer security, network layer security, and cloud platform and application layer security.

Device Layer Security

Device layer is the first line of defense in IoT security, focusing on securing individual IoT devices. It ensurs that only authorised devices can connect to the platform. This involves using strong authentication methods such as certificates, tokens, or biometrics.

Besides, it assigns unique identities to each device and manages these identities securely. This helps in tracking and controlling device access. It implements secure communication protocols such as Transport Layer Security to encrypt data transmitted between devices and the IoT platform.

It ensures that devices are regularly updated with the latest security patches and firmware to mitigate vulnerabilities.

Also read: 2 protocols used most often with IoT devices

Network Layer Security

Network layer focuses on securing data as it travels between IoT devices and the platform’s backend servers.

It encrypts data both at rest and in transit to protect against eavesdropping and data tampering. It deploys firewalls to monitor and control traffic between devices and the platform. Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS) systems help detect and respond to suspicious activities or unauthorised access attempts.

Besides, it segments IoT networks to isolate critical devices and sensitive data from less secure areas, limiting the impact of a potential breach and reduces the attack surface.

Also read: Transforma Insights identifies IoT key themes and market leaders

Cloud Platform and Application Layer Security

Cloud platform and application layer ensure the overall security of the IoT platform’s backend infrastructure and the applications that interact with IoT data.

It encrypts sensitive data stored in databases or on cloud servers, ensuring data integrity through checksums or digital signatures to detect unauthorised modifications. It implements strong access control mechanisms to restrict access to sensitive resources based on user roles and permissions. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) enhances security.

It continuously monitors platform activities and real-time threat detection, implementing incident response procedures to quickly mitigate security breaches and minimise impact.

Several well-known IoT platforms

1. AWS IoT Core: Connects millions of devices and provides a secure, scalable infrastructure. This includes data transfer, rules engine, Device Shadow, and integration with other AWS services.

2. Microsoft Azure IoT: Integrates cloud services, analytics tools, and AI capabilities to support a wide range of devices and platforms. Provides remote monitoring, predictive maintenance and security services.

3. Google Cloud IoT Core: Used to connect and manage devices, enhanced by data analytics and machine learning services provided by Google Cloud Platform. Supports data flow management, security authentication, and integration with other Google Cloud services.

4. IBM Watson IoT platform: Combines the connectivity, data analytics and AI capabilities of iot devices for enterprise-class iot applications. Provides device management, device virtualisation, and integration with IBM Watson AI services.


Zora Lin

Zora Lin is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Products and AI. She graduated from Chang’an University. Send tips to

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