The US initiates AI investment restriction on China

  • The US introduced a new restriction on investments in China’s AI sector, prompting criticism from China’s UN envoy, Fu Cong, for hindering AI’s healthy development and promoting global divisions.
  • These restrictions highlight the US’s intention to maintain technological dominance, which could impede global technological progress and equality in AI development.

Out of national security concerns, The US bans China’s AI investment. The action will not influence the promising technological development in China. Technology should not be ideology-related as it benefits every single individual in the world. The US’s restriction on AI development in China stems from its plan for hegemonism that will undermine globally beneficial development.
–Ashley Wang, BTW reporter

What happened

The US launched another restriction on China for AI investment last month out of national security concerns. The decision follows Joe Biden’s executive order last August to curb the healthy development of technology in China. After that, Fu Cong, China’s U.N. envoy, condemned the proposal, asserting it hinders the healthy development of AI technology and fosters divisions in global governance.

In response to the proposal, China calls for boosting international cooperation on AI capacity-building, sponsored by over 140 countries. The UN published its stance on the issue, claiming that the international community should provide and promote a fair, open, inclusive, and non-discriminatory business environment across the life cycle of safe, secure, and trustworthy AI systems.

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Why it’s important

With globalisation, it is undeniable that new technology will flourish worldwide, especially in China, the fastest-developing economy entity. “Regardless of size, strength or social system, all countries have an equal right to develop and utilise AI, a technology that may bring about profound changes in social production and the global landscape,” said Zhang Linghan, an expert with the UN High-Level Advisory Body on AI. The US restriction on China’s AI development reminds people of its ban on HUAWEI in 2018. Both cases demonstrate the US’s alertness toward the rise of other major powers in the world.


Ashley Wang

Ashley Wang is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in artificial intelligence. She graduated from Zhejiang Gongshang University. Send tips to

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