The future of cloud computing: Exploring hybrid cloud

  • A hybrid cloud platform integrates aspects of both public and private clouds, enabling organisations to effectively oversee and coordinate workloads across diverse cloud environments.
  • The features of hybrid cloud include seamless integration of public and private cloud elements, flexible workload management, enhanced security and compliance capabilities, and improved scalability and resilience.
  • Hybrid cloud is utilised by customers to seamlessly combine public and private cloud resources. This involves offloading some operational workloads or data to the public cloud while utilising the private cloud for sensitive data or compliance requirements.

Hybrid cloud combines elements of public and private clouds, enabling seamless management of workloads across diverse environments. Its features include flexible workload management, enhanced security, scalability, and resilience.

Use cases range from optimising resource utilisation to ensuring compliance and facilitating business continuity through fault-tolerant solutions.

Hybrid cloud platform

A hybrid cloud platform is an integrated IT environment that combines elements of both public and private clouds, allowing organisations to seamlessly manage and orchestrate workloads across multiple cloud environments.

This platform enables businesses to leverage the scalability and cost-effectiveness of public cloud services while also retaining control over sensitive data and applications in a private cloud or on-premises infrastructure.

By providing a unified management interface and interoperability between different cloud environments, hybrid cloud platforms empower organisations to optimise performance, flexibility, and security across their entire IT landscape.

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Five features of hybrid cloud

1. Flexibility and scalability

Hybrid cloud combines on-premises infrastructure with public cloud, offering flexibility and scalability. This means businesses can adjust resources as needed and move workloads between cloud and on-premises environments.

2. Security

Enterprises can maintain critical data and applications on-premises while enjoying the flexibility of the cloud. This is crucial for addressing security concerns and considering the sensitivity of data.

3. Cost efficiency

Hybrid cloud allows businesses to dynamically scale resources up or down as needed, optimising costs. By combining the flexibility and affordability of public cloud with the stability of on-premises infrastructure, costs can be optimised.

4. Resilience and availability

Hybrid cloud enhances availability for disaster recovery and emergency response. By combining data backup and business continuity capabilities of on-premises facilities with the advantages of public cloud, it minimises downtime.

5. Compatibility

Hybrid cloud integrates diverse environments and technologies. It allows maintaining compatibility with existing systems and applications while adopting new cloud services.

These features represent some of the reasons why businesses adopt hybrid cloud.

Also read: A look at cloud data management

Use cases of hybrid cloud

Such cloud types provide solutions that offer flexibility and scalability while meeting security and regulatory compliance needs.

Security and compliance

Enterprises store sensitive data in the private cloud to comply with regulations while leveraging the scalability of the public cloud.

Resource optimisation

Moving some operational workloads to the public cloud optimises overall resource utilisation. This is useful for handling seasonally fluctuating workloads, for instance.

Business continuity and disaster recovery

Utilising the private cloud to build business continuity and disaster recovery solutions, and providing fault-tolerance capabilities through the public cloud as needed.

In this way, hybrid cloud allows enterprises to maximise flexibility and stability by combining the advantages of their own data centres with those of the public cloud.


Rita Li

Rita Lian intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in Products. She graduated from University of Communication University of Zhejiang. Send tips to

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