Softbank leads over $1 billion funding for self-driving startup Wayve

  • Wayve secures $1.05 billion in funding led by SoftBank Group to advance its AI technology for autonomous driving.
  • Wayve’s Embodied AI technology aims to learn from and respond to human behaviour, enhancing autonomous driving capabilities in production-model vehicles.
  • Challenges persist in achieving full autonomy in self-driving technology due to limitations in current software’s ability to quickly assess risks and handle unexpected scenarios.

Wayve, a British self-driving technology startup, has raised over $1.3 billion, including a recent $1.05 billion funding round led by SoftBank Group, to advance its Embodied AI technology for autonomous vehicles.

Wayve receives large investment in AI technology

Wayve announced that it has successfully secured $1.05 billion in a recent funding round led by SoftBank Group on Tuesday. The funding is earmarked to expedite the development and deployment of its Embodied AI technology within production-model vehicles. This technology is able to learn from and respond to human behaviour.

With the latest round of funding, Wayve has now raised a total of just over $1.3 billion, making it the recipient of the largest investment in a British startup specialising in AI technology.

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Wayve’s AI-based self-driving technology enables flexible navigation

Founded in 2017, Wayve’s autonomous driving technology leverages AI to empower vehicles to “navigate situations that do not follow strict patterns or rules, such as unexpected actions by drivers, pedestrians, or environmental elements,” the startup said.

“This will enable automakers and fleets to accelerate their transition from assisted to autonomous driving,” Wayve CEO Alex Kendall said, as reported by Reuters.

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Self-driving vehicles need to adapt different situations

Wayve President Erez Dagan pointed out the difficulty in foreseeing every scenario a self-driving car may face, emphasising the need for technology to learn and adapt across different driving situations.

Creating truly autonomous vehicles has proven more challenging than anticipated. A major issue is that current self-driving software lacks the quick risk assessment abilities of humans, especially in unexpected scenarios or “edge cases.”

Due to the formidable task at hand, major investments in autonomous startups like Wayve are now less frequent.


Crystal Feng

Crystal Feng is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave dedicated in tech trends. She is studying Chinese-English translation at Beijing International Studies University. Send tips to

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