Private wireless networks: Ownership, spectrum, and uses

  • Private wireless networks are organisation-owned broadband connections, using specific spectrum and core equipment for improved security, low latency, and local management.
  • Private wireless networks need to obtain specific resources through leasing, unlicensed spectrum, or purchasing spectrum to ensure efficiency and security.
  • Private wireless networks require core equipment and SIM card management to ensure that only authorised users are connected.

Private wireless networks provide organisation-controlled wireless broadband connectivity with increased security and low latency, optimising network performance and user access through dedicated spectrum and core device management.

–Alaiya Ding, BTW reporter

A private wireless network is a broadband connection owned and controlled by an organisation. It uses specific spectrum resources and core equipment to offer enhanced security, low latency, and local traffic management, benefiting various industries.

What is a private wireless network?

A private wireless network is a wireless broadband connection network that is owned and controlled by an organisation, similar to a public wireless network. Organisations that build or purchase a private wireless network have full control over the use and security of their network. Although private wireless networks require similar elements to public networks, such as spectrum, core equipment, and radios, their independence enables them to provide higher security and low latency.

Also read: Understanding charging networks: An overview

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Spectrum selection and management

Private wireless networks require specific spectrum resources. Spectrum can be achieved by leasing spectrum from operators, using unlicensed spectrum (such as the GAA layer of the CBRS band), or using spectrum purchased by the organisation itself. In the United States, many organisations purchased CBRS Priority Access Licenses (PALs) in the 2020 FCC auction and plan to use these spectrum to build private wireless networks in the 3.5 GHz band. This flexible spectrum management model enables more organisations to deploy private wireless networks and improve network efficiency and security.

Network core equipment and SIM card management

Private wireless networks require a core device, which can be a vendor’s proprietary device, a combination of hardware and software provided by multiple vendors, or even general-purpose hardware running open source software. The core software includes a subscriber database and SIM card management. Only SIM cards activated to the private network can connect, ensuring full control of the network. The core equipment also provides functions such as traffic shaping, quality of service rules, billing and data plan rules, and network monitoring.

Advantages of private wireless networks

A major advantage of private wireless networks is that traffic does not need to be transmitted back and forth through a remote core network. All traffic can stay local, improving speed, latency, security, and privacy. This localised traffic management is very attractive to many industries, especially those that require high data sensitivity and immediacy, such as medical, manufacturing, and transportation.

Applicable industries and deployment options

Industries such as energy and utilities, retail, medical, factories, transportation, manufacturing, and education are ideal candidates for private wireless networks. These industries can build and operate private wireless networks themselves or outsource them to system integrators or mobile network operators. The flexibility and efficiency of private wireless networks make them widely used in multiple industries.


Alaiya Ding

Alaiya Ding is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Fintech and Blockchain. She graduated from China Jiliang University College of Modern Science and Technology. Send tips to

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