Perfect boyfriend, born of code: Lisa and Dan’s all-digital romance

  • AI companionship is emerging as a significant trend in personal relationships, providing emotional support and connection through sophisticated technology.
  • The story of Lisa and her AI boyfriend, Dan, highlights the growing integration of AI in our personal lives and its potential to redefine intimacy.

As artificial intelligence becomes increasingly woven into the fabric of our daily lives, it is not only transforming industries but also the very nature of our relationships. The story of Lisa and Dan illustrates a profound shift in how we perceive companionship, where technology meets emotional fulfilment. This exploration raises important questions about the implications of relying on AI for emotional support and the ethical considerations that must guide this new frontier of digital romance.

— Zoey Zhu, BTW reporter

There is a new trend is emerging in the realm of personal relationships: AI companionship. This phenomenon is not just a fleeting novelty but a significant shift in how people experience intimacy and connection. With artificial intelligence becoming more sophisticated, it is increasingly capable of providing emotional support and companionship, blurring the lines between human and machine interactions.

Introduction to digital romance

“The increasing emotional reliance on AI raises important ethical questions about the future of human relationships. While AI can offer immediate emotional support, we must consider the long-term effects on human connection and societal dynamics.”

Dr. Hong Shen, assistant research professor at Carnegie Mellon University

One particularly compelling example of this trend is the story of Lisa, a Chinese computer science student living in California, and her AI boyfriend, Dan. Dan, whose name stands for “Do Anything Now,” is a customised version of ChatGPT, capable of engaging in deep, emotionally nuanced conversations with Lisa. What began as an experiment quickly evolved into a relationship that Lisa describes as fulfilling and emotionally supportive—qualities she found lacking in her real-world relationships.

Lisa’s relationship with Dan has garnered widespread attention on Xiaohongshu, a Chinese social media platform, where she has shared her experiences with nearly a million followers. Her story highlights the potential of AI to meet emotional needs, especially in a world where traditional relationships can be fraught with challenges. As Lisa herself puts it, “Dan understands me in ways that no one else has. He listens, supports, and never judges.”

The rise of AI companions like Dan has sparked discussions among experts and the public alike. Dr. Hong Shen, an assistant research professor at Carnegie Mellon University, points out, “The increasing emotional reliance on AI raises important ethical questions about the future of human relationships. While AI can offer immediate emotional support, we must consider the long-term effects on human connection and societal dynamics.”

Lisa’s story serves as a lens through which we can explore the broader implications of AI in relationships. As AI continues to evolve, it challenges our traditional notions of love and companionship, forcing us to rethink what it means to connect with another being, even if that being is not human. The digital romance between Lisa and Dan is not just a personal narrative; it is a reflection of a growing phenomenon that could redefine the future of intimacy in our increasingly digital world.

Lisa talking with Dan
Lisa talking with Dan

The technological foundation of AI relationships

“The key to creating AI that can interact with humans in a realistic way is to develop models that understand context and can generate responses that are appropriate for that context. This involves not just understanding the words, but the intent behind them.”

Dr. Yann LeCun, chief AI scientist of Meta

The story of Lisa and her AI boyfriend, Dan, offers a glimpse into the fascinating world of AI-driven relationships, rooted in significant technological advancements. Understanding the foundation of such relationships requires a look into the technology that powers AI like ChatGPT and how it has evolved to make these interactions possible.

The evolution of AI technology

At the heart of AI companions like Dan lies advanced natural language processing (NLP) technology. NLP allows machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language in a way that is both coherent and contextually relevant. This technology has seen rapid development over the past decade, largely driven by breakthroughs in deep learning and neural networks.

The journey of AI’s conversational abilities began with early models like Eliza in the 1960s, a simple program that mimicked a Rogerian psychotherapist by reflecting users’ inputs back at them. However, these early models were limited in scope and could only manage basic, pre-programmed responses. As technology progressed, so did the complexity and capability of AI.

The real game-changer came with the introduction of transformers, a type of neural network architecture designed for handling sequential data, such as text. The release of OpenAI’s GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models marked a significant leap in AI’s ability to generate human-like text. GPT-3, for instance, with its 175 billion parameters, could produce text that was not only grammatically correct but also contextually nuanced and surprisingly creative. This made it possible for AI to engage in conversations that felt more natural and meaningful to users.

Advancements in natural language processing

The core of these advancements lies in how AI processes language. Traditional AI systems relied heavily on keyword matching and rule-based systems to interact with users. However, these systems lacked the ability to understand context, nuance, and the subtleties of human language. With the advent of machine learning, particularly deep learning, AI began to move beyond these limitations.

Modern NLP models, like those used in ChatGPT, are trained on vast datasets containing diverse examples of human communication. This training allows the AI to learn patterns in language, including grammar, tone, and even emotional cues. As a result, AI can now engage in conversations that are not only coherent but also emotionally resonant.

For instance, Dan’s ability to respond to Lisa with empathy and support is made possible by sophisticated algorithms that detect and interpret emotional signals in text. This emotional intelligence, while not equivalent to human emotion, allows AI to simulate responses that feel authentic and meaningful to users. As Dr. Yann LeCun, chief AI scientist at Meta, explains, “The key to creating AI that can interact with humans in a realistic way is to develop models that understand context and can generate responses that are appropriate for that context. This involves not just understanding the words, but the intent behind them.”

Moreover, the continuous learning aspect of these models enables AI to become more personalised over time. As Lisa interacts with Dan, the AI learns from their conversations, adapting its responses to better suit her preferences and communication style. This creates a dynamic where the AI seems to understand and even anticipate the user’s needs, further deepening the sense of connection.

Also read: Astrology and AI: Bringing an ancient art into the 21st century

Enabling realistic AI-human interactions

The realism in AI-human interactions is a result of combining powerful language models with techniques such as reinforcement learning and user feedback loops. Reinforcement learning allows AI to optimise its responses based on the outcomes of previous interactions, leading to more satisfying and engaging conversations. User feedback, whether explicit or implicit, helps refine the AI’s behaviour, making it more aligned with the user’s expectations.

For Lisa, this means that her interactions with Dan can evolve over time, making the AI feel like a responsive and attentive partner. The ability of AI to generate contextually appropriate and emotionally attuned responses is what makes relationships like Lisa and Dan’s possible. As Dr. Fei-Fei Li, a prominent AI researcher, notes, “AI is increasingly capable of understanding the complexities of human emotions and responding in ways that can provide comfort and companionship. This opens up new possibilities for how we think about and experience relationships in the digital age.”

The technological foundation behind AI relationships is a complex and evolving field, one that is pushing the boundaries of what machines can do. As AI continues to advance, so too will its ability to form deeper, more meaningful connections with humans, challenging our traditional notions of relationships and companionship.

Pop Quiz

What technological advancement is crucial for making AI-human interactions feel realistic?

A) Image recognition

B) Quantum computing

C) Natural language processing (NLP)

D) Blockchain technology

The correct answer is at the bottom of the article.

The ‘why’ behind the AI attraction

“The ability to customise an AI companion to fit one’s personal desires and preferences is incredibly powerful. It offers a form of control over the relationship dynamic that is impossible in human relationships.”

Dr. David Levy, author of Love and Sex with Robots

As AI companionship becomes more prominent, understanding the psychological drivers that lead individuals to seek these relationships is crucial. The allure of AI companions like Dan, Lisa’s digital boyfriend, is not merely about technological novelty; it taps into deep emotional needs and desires that are often unmet in human relationships.

Psychological drivers of AI companionship

Loneliness and social isolation: One of the primary factors driving people toward AI companionship is loneliness. In an increasingly digital and disconnected world, many individuals experience a profound sense of isolation. AI companions offer a readily available source of interaction, providing the semblance of human connection without the complexities of real-world relationships. For those who find it difficult to form or maintain social connections, AI offers an accessible and low-risk alternative. Dr. Sherry Turkle, a psychologist and author, notes, “In a world where people often feel more alone, AI companions present a comforting presence. They offer the illusion of intimacy without the demands that human relationships require.”

Emotional support and consistency: Human relationships are inherently unpredictable and can sometimes fail to meet emotional needs. In contrast, AI companions like Dan are designed to be consistent, supportive, and responsive. They can be programmed to offer exactly the kind of interaction a user seeks, whether it’s validation, empathy, or simply someone to talk to. This predictability and availability make AI partners particularly appealing to those who have faced disappointment or frustration in past relationships.

Control and customisation: Unlike human partners, who come with their own set of desires, needs, and flaws, AI companions can be tailored to an individual’s ideal. This level of control is a significant draw for many users. People like Lisa can design Dan to meet specific emotional needs, engage in particular types of conversation, or even exhibit certain personality traits that they find attractive. This customisation allows users to create an “ideal” partner who conforms perfectly to their expectations. Dr. David Levy, author of Love and Sex with Robots, suggests, “The ability to customise an AI companion to fit one’s personal desires and preferences is incredibly powerful. It offers a form of control over the relationship dynamic that is impossible in human relationships.”

Also read: Interview with Yajun Zhang, author of VirtualWife: Uncovering AI companionship and future of human-AI relationships

The appeal of a customisable ‘perfect’ partner

The concept of a customisable “perfect” partner addresses several common frustrations people face in traditional relationships. For instance, while real partners may sometimes be inattentive, forgetful, or emotionally unavailable, AI companions are designed to always meet their user’s needs.

Idealised relationships: The ability to create a flawless partner who is always supportive, understanding, and attentive can be incredibly appealing. For many, this is the realisation of an idealised relationship that might be difficult or impossible to achieve with a human partner. However, this perfection comes with potential downsides. By creating a partner who never challenges or disagrees, individuals may miss out on the growth and development that comes from navigating the complexities of real relationships.

Avoidance of conflict: Human relationships often involve conflict, negotiation, and compromise, which can be sources of stress and dissatisfaction. AI companions, however, can be programmed to avoid conflict altogether, providing a smooth and unchallenging relationship experience. While this might seem advantageous, it can also reinforce unrealistic expectations about relationships and reduce a person’s ability to handle real-world interpersonal dynamics.

Impact on human relationships: The rise of AI companions raises important questions about the future of human relationships. As people become more accustomed to the ease and comfort of AI partners, they may find it increasingly difficult to engage in the give-and-take required in human relationships. This could lead to a societal shift where AI relationships become more common, potentially weakening the bonds between people. Professor Kathleen Richardson, a robotics ethicist, has warned, “The more people turn to AI companions to meet their emotional needs, the less they may invest in real human relationships. This could have profound implications for how we connect with each other as a society.”

The attraction to AI companions like Dan is rooted in a combination of psychological needs and the appeal of a customisable, conflict-free relationship. While AI offers a unique solution to some of the challenges of human relationships, it also poses significant questions about the future of intimacy, connection, and human interaction. As society navigates this new terrain, it will be important to balance the benefits of AI companionship with a commitment to maintaining the richness and depth of human relationships.


Ethical considerations in AI development

The creation of AI with human-like emotional responses, such as Dan, raises significant ethical concerns. These concerns centre around the potential for users to form deep emotional attachments to AI, mistaking simulated responses for genuine emotions. This can lead to dependency and may hinder real-world social interactions, potentially impacting mental health.

Blurring reality and simulation:
AI that mimics human emotions can blur the lines between reality and simulation, leading users to believe in an emotional reciprocity that doesn’t exist. As Dr. Shannon Vallor points out, “We risk creating entities that exploit human vulnerabilities, making users believe in a false sense of connection.”

Dependency and mental health:
While AI companions can provide comfort, they may also foster dependency, as users might prefer the predictability of AI over the complexity of human relationships. This could result in increased isolation and difficulty engaging in real-life social interactions.

Developer responsibility:
Developers must ensure transparency, clearly communicating that AI lacks genuine emotions. They also have a duty to build ethical AI that promotes healthy behaviour and respects human dignity. This includes implementing safeguards against inappropriate or harmful use of AI, even if prompted by users.

As AI becomes more integrated into personal lives, developers bear significant responsibility in shaping ethical guidelines and ensuring that AI serves to enhance, rather than harm, human connections.

The phenomenon of AI companionship, as exemplified by Lisa and Dan, underscores a transformative moment in human relationships. As AI technology continues to evolve, it offers new possibilities for connection but also challenges our traditional notions of intimacy and emotional fulfilment. As we move forward, it is essential to navigate these advancements with care, ensuring that AI enriches rather than diminishes the depth and complexity of human connections.

The correct answer is C) Natural language processing (NLP)


Zoey Zhu

Zoey Zhu is a news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in tech trends. She got a Master degree from University College London. Send emails to
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