Oracle boosts AI cloud with Nvidia GPUs

  • Oracle has expanded its partnership with Nvidia, introducing Nvidia L40S GPUs to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, offering enhanced generative AI, graphics, and video capabilities.
  • The L40S GPU outperforms the A100 in FP8 mode and will be available in a bare-metal configuration, while OCI Supercluster supports up to 3,840 GPUs with 800Gbps internode bandwidth.

This partnership underscores Oracle’s push into the AI cloud sector, challenging AWS, Azure, and Google. By integrating Nvidia’s advanced GPUs, OCI enhances its appeal to businesses requiring scalable AI solutions. This move also bolsters Nvidia’s presence in the enterprise space, driving innovation and competition in the burgeoning AI infrastructure market.
–Vicky Wu, BTW reporter

What happened

Oracle has announced an expansion of its partnership with Nvidia, unveiling new GPU options and AI infrastructure services on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). The collaboration introduces Nvidia L40S GPUs to OCI’s compute offerings and new virtual machine options for Nvidia H100 Tensor Core GPUs. This development indicates a maturing artificial intelligence marketplace and seeks to offer greater flexibility for businesses of all sizes seeking to harness AI capabilities.

The Nvidia L40S GPU, a universal data centre GPU, excels in generative AI, graphics, and video applications, delivering up to 1.4 times more tokens per second than the A100 Tensor Core GPU in FP8 mode. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) will offer the L40S GPU in a bare-metal compute configuration, eliminating virtualisation overhead for high-throughput and latency-sensitive workloads. OCI Supercluster with Nvidia L40S GPUs enables ultra-high performance with 800Gbps internode bandwidth and low latency for up to 3,840 GPUs.

Also read: Oracle enters agreement to use Rai Way data centres in Italy

Also read: Nvidia enhances NIM suite and supports for 3D and robotics

Why it’s important

This expansion is a strategic move by Oracle to compete more aggressively in the AI cloud market, which is currently dominated by Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. By leveraging its partnership with Nvidia, Oracle positions itself as a viable option for enterprises looking to deploy large-scale AI workloads. The new GPU offerings and AI infrastructure services provide businesses with more flexibility and scalability, lowering barriers to entry for smaller organisations while providing the necessary scale for demanding AI workloads.

The partnership benefits Nvidia by providing another major cloud platform to showcase its latest GPU technologies and expand its reach in the enterprise market. As AI continues to transform industries, the race among cloud providers to offer the most powerful and flexible AI infrastructure is intensifying. Oracle’s latest offerings demonstrate its commitment to staying competitive in this rapidly evolving landscape.

For businesses, these new options present opportunities to right-size their AI infrastructure investments, potentially lowering barriers to entry for smaller organisations while providing the necessary scale for the most demanding AI workloads. As Leo Leung, VP of OCI and Oracle Tech , summarised, “As a cloud provider, from our perspective, we want to serve all those types of customers,” from tech giants hosting massive models to small engineering teams working on specialised applications.


Vicky Wu

Vicky is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in AI and Blockchain. She graduated from Dalian University of Foreign Languages. Send tips to

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