OpenAI to remove non-profit control and give Sam Altman equity

  • OpenAI is restructuring from a nonprofit to a for-profit benefit corporation.
  • CEO Sam Altman to receive equity in the newly structured OpenAI.

While the move to a for-profit structure may provide OpenAI with the financial flexibility needed to compete in the rapidly evolving AI space, it remains to be seen how the company will maintain its focus on safety and ethical AI development. As OpenAI navigates this new path, the tech world will be closely watching to see how these changes affect both the company and the broader AI industry.

–Rebecca Xu, BTW reporter

What happened

OpenAI is gearing up for a significant corporate restructuring, with its nonprofit board set to hand over the reins of its for-profit business. This strategic move is aimed at transforming the organisation into a for-profit benefit corporation, thereby increasing its appeal to potential investors. As part of the proposed plan, the nonprofit entity will persist but with a reduced stake in the company. Additionally, Sam Altman, OpenAI’s CEO, is expected to receive an equity stake, aligning his interests more closely with those of investors.

“The transition will not alter our commitment to developing AI for the greater good,” stated an OpenAI spokesperson. “Our nonprofit roots remain integral to our mission and will continue to thrive alongside our for-profit operations.”

This restructuring is taking place amidst a backdrop of leadership transitions at OpenAI. The departure of Chief Technology Officer Mira Murati was announced recently, adding to the list of significant exits, including co-founder Greg Brockman who is currently taking a leave of absence. These changes signal a new chapter for OpenAI as it seeks to balance its original mission with the demands of being a for-profit entity in the competitive AI sector.

Also read: OpenAI rolls out new voice assistant to all paid ChatGPT users

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Why it’s important

The transition to a for-profit benefit corporation signifies a strategic shift for OpenAI. By becoming more attractive to investors, the company may be able to access more resources and expertise to further its research and development in artificial intelligence. This move reflects a desire to scale up and make a greater impact in the field.

The restructuring of OpenAI has raised ethical concerns within the AI safety community, particularly regarding oversight and accountability in the pursuit of artificial general intelligence. The shift to a for-profit model may prompt questions about the company’s commitment to its original mission of developing safe and beneficial AI for all stakeholders.

The decision by OpenAI to undergo a significant restructuring and give equity to key stakeholders signals a new chapter in the company’s evolution. It will be crucial to monitor how these changes shape the organisation’s trajectory, impact on the AI industry, and fulfilment of its mission in the coming years.


Rebecca Xu

Rebecca Xu is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in tech trends. She graduated from Changshu Institute of Technology. Send tips to

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