NullBulge pulls off  cyber heist, leaking Disney’s 1.1TB slack data

  • A hacktivist group, identifying itself as NullBulge, has asserted that it successfully infiltrated Disney’s IT systems, siphoning off a massive 1.1 terabytes of data from the company’s internal Slack channels.
  • The alleged breach of Disney’s internal Slack channels by NullBulge is significant for several reasons. Firstly, the sheer volume of data—1.1 terabytes—is unprecedented in the realm of corporate data breaches, emphasising the scale and potential impact of the cyberattack. 

NullBulge really stepped up their game. Stealing 1.1 terabytes from Disney’s Slack? That’s like raiding the digital vault of a Hollywood giant. Reminds me of that time anonymous hacked into Sony’s servers, exposing employee info and salacious emails. NullBulge seems to have a pattern of targeting big players with a moral agenda, but taking down Disney’s internal comms feels like overkill. Their past stunts with AI art extensions show they’re not afraid to make waves, but this breach could be a double-edged sword. Disney’s got enough on its plate with royalty disputes, now they’ve got to worry about data breaches too. Let’s see how they spin this one.
–Miurio huang, BTW reporter

What happened

A hacktivist group, identifying itself as NullBulge, has asserted that it successfully infiltrated Disney’s IT systems, siphoning off a massive 1.1 terabytes of data from the company’s internal Slack channels. This breach, as detailed by NullBulge on an underground hacking forum, reportedly involves data harvested from nearly 10,000 Slack channels.

The purloined information encompasses a range of sensitive materials, including internal project details, messages, files, code, social security numbers, login credentials, and personal photographs.

NullBulge stated that they intended to delay the announcement until they could gather more data, but their insider source became apprehensive and terminated their access.

While Disney has yet to confirm the veracity of these claims, the implications are already causing significant concern. The potential exploitation of this data for further cyberattacks looms large.

This incident adds to NullBulge’s controversial history. Last month, the group allegedly uploaded malicious extensions of Stable Diffusion to GitHub in protest against AI’s encroachment on real-life artists’ intellectual property. NullBulge justifies its actions by claiming to champion artists’ rights and fair compensation for their work.

Disney’s past disputes over unpaid royalties to writers of iconic franchises such as Star Wars, Alien, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer might have made it a target for NullBulge. Despite the unclear motives behind this attack, the claim that confidential communications and sensitive information have been leaked could have severe ramifications for Disney’s future business plans and its relationships with partners.

Also read: Hacker breaches OpenAI, steals internal AI technology details

Also read: How ‘vulnerability assessments’ can beat the hackers

Why it’s important

The sheer volume of data—1.1 terabytes—is unprecedented in the realm of corporate data breaches, emphasising the scale and potential impact of the cyberattack. The sensitive nature of the stolen data, which includes social security numbers, login credentials, and personal photographs, heightens the risk of identity theft and other malicious uses.

Furthermore, the leak of internal project details, messages, and code could disrupt Disney’s operations and strategic plans. Competitors could gain access to proprietary information, while the public exposure of internal communications might damage Disney’s reputation and erode trust among stakeholders. Additionally, the involvement of social security numbers and other personal data opens up potential legal liabilities and regulatory scrutiny, which could lead to significant financial and operational consequences.

The motivations of NullBulge add another layer of complexity. By positioning themselves as defenders of artists’ rights, they tap into ongoing debates about fair compensation in the creative industries, particularly regarding the impact of AI on artists’ livelihoods. This narrative could resonate with certain segments of the public, potentially garnering sympathy or support for their cause.

Moreover, the broader context of cyberattacks targeting entertainment companies underscores a growing trend where hackers are unafraid to publicly expose stolen secrets. This trend poses a persistent threat to the industry, as it highlights vulnerabilities in cybersecurity measures and the increasing audacity of hacker groups.

The purported breach of Disney’s internal Slack channels by NullBulge is a wake-up call for companies to bolster their cybersecurity defenses. It also serves as a stark reminder of the far-reaching consequences that cyberattacks can have on corporate operations, reputation, and financial stability. As the situation unfolds, the actions taken by Disney in response to this breach will be closely watched by industry peers and cybersecurity experts alike.


Miurio Huang

Miurio Huang is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in AI. She graduated from Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University. Send tips to

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