Microsoft to invest $3.2B in Swedish cloud AI

  • Microsoft will invest $3.2 billion to expand its cloud and AI infrastructure in Sweden, aiming to boost AI adoption and renewable energy.
  • Microsoft plans to deploy 20,000 advanced GPUs in Sweden to enhance AI applications, using Nvidia processors and potentially AMD and its own chips.

Microsoft’s $3.2 billion investment in Swedish Cloud AI will accelerate innovation, promote digital transformation, and inject strong impetus into the development of the global digital economy and artificial intelligence.
–Alaiya Ding, BTW reporter

Microsoft announced a $3.2 billion investment to expand its cloud and AI infrastructure in Sweden over the next two years, driven by the rising demand for generative AI. This initiative includes deploying 20,000 advanced GPUs in data centers across Sandviken, Gavle, and Staffanstorp.

Microsoft expands cloud infrastructure in Sweden

Microsoft announced a significant investment of 33.7 billion Swedish crowns ($3.2 billion) to expand its cloud and artificial intelligence infrastructure in Sweden. This investment will be spread over two years and aims to meet the rising demand for cloud services fueled by the popularity of generative AI.

Also read: Spanish startups accuse Microsoft of unfair competition in cloud services

Also read: Microsoft signs deal with Swedish partner to capture carbon

Advanced graphics processing units deployment

To support its expansion in Sweden, Microsoft plans to deploy 20,000 of the most advanced graphics processing units (GPUs) at its Swedish data center sites. These GPUs are crucial for speeding up computer calculations necessary for AI applications. Microsoft will use Nvidia’s faster processors and may also consider semiconductors from AMD and its own chips in the future.

AI skills training for 250,000 Swedes

As part of its commitment to boost AI adoption across the Nordic region, Microsoft plans to train 250,000 Swedes with AI skills over the next three years. The training will be provided across various sectors, including organizations, schools, universities, the public sector, and society at large.

Investment in renewable energy

In addition to its focus on AI and cloud infrastructure, Microsoft is also investing in renewable energy in Sweden. The company has procured nearly 1,000 MW of renewable energy, demonstrating its commitment to sustainable energy practices.


Alaiya Ding

Alaiya Ding is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Fintech and Blockchain. She graduated from China Jiliang University College of Modern Science and Technology. Send tips to

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