LinkedIn passes 1billion members, showcases AI tool

  • LinkedIn hit 1 billion members just two weeks after it cut 700 jobs.
  • The job platform announced an AI-driven job coaching tool for premium subscribers. The tool leverages user data to provide personalised job recommendations.
  • The integration with Microsoft, along with investments in OpenAI’s GPT-4, has enabled LinkedIn to offer advanced AI capabilities.

LinkedIn just surpassed one billion members. This new landmark came shortly after a massive layoff that made many question the stability of the job market.

Alongside this milestone, they introduced an innovative AI-driven feature for premium subscribers. This feature is designed to assist job seekers in their quest for the perfect job fit.

Also read: LinkedIn lays off 668 employees in second cut this year

AI-Powered job coaching

The one-billion mark sets LinkedIn a league above competitors. Tomer Cohen, LinkedIn’s Chief Product Officer, highlighted that this milestone isn’t just about numbers but is a testament to the dynamic ecosystem the platform has created.

With nearly 80% of its latest sign-ups coming from international locations, LinkedIn continues to be a key presence in the professional lives of individuals and businesses worldwide.

The platform’s newest addition is a built-in job coaching tool that uses AI technology and the vast pool of data within LinkedIn to help job seekers explore and apply for positions that align with their profiles and career goals. This feature, available to premium subscribers, analyses a user’s profile data and past searches to determine their suitability for various job listings.

Personalised job listing and content recommendation

Premium subscribers at $39.99 per month can expect a more personalized experience. The AI capabilities not only help users assess job listings but also provide tailored suggestions on skills to develop and professionals within their network to connect with.

Also read: Discover the 10 AI tools revolutionising the way we work

This personalized approach extends to articles, videos, and posts. Premium members can now get AI-selected content that can add value to their professional growth.

LinkedIn AI feature for professionals

LinkedIn’s integration into Microsoft is a big factor in its evolution. Microsoft’s investment in AI, particularly its association with OpenAI’s GPT-4, has propelled LinkedIn’s AI offerings.

The new AI chatbot, powered by GPT-4, comes as no surprise. Its primary role is to serve as a “job seeker coach,” offering insights and advice to help users make informed decisions regarding job applications.

LinkedIn’s engineering team worked diligently to reduce latency. Lower latency makes conversations feel more fluid and human-like.

The chatbot allows users to pose questions like “Am I a good fit for this job?” or “How can I best position myself for this job?” It then analyses the user’s profile and provides personalised responses.

Addressing bias and promoting equity

LinkedIn is mindful of the potential biases that can arise in AI-driven job applications. They have invested in ensuring responsible AI standards and equity-minded experiences. The company placed emphasis on a fair experience for job seekers.

Image credit: Rawpixel via Freepik


Bal M

Bal was BTW's copywriter specialising in tech and productivity tools. He has experience working in startups, mid-size tech companies, and non-profits.

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