Issues with Character AI: What’s wrong with it?

  • Character AI allows its users to create and experiment with their own AI avatar, enabling them to converse, role-play, and even produce fan fiction.
  • When users are sharing intimate details about themselves on this (or any other AI) platform, safety is something that should be considered before doing so.

Character AI is yet another free-to-use AI platform that was released in September 2022, and allows its users to create and experiment with their own AI avatar, which they are then able to converse with, role play with, and even produce fan fiction. This is why Character AI bots are being used as “digital companions”, with some people even using them to cope with their mental health challenges. However, this is where those who are skeptical about this type of technology worry about safety and privacy issues, especially for those who already suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, or depression.

Is Character AI safe to use?

For most purposes, Character AI is safe to use. However, beyond the usual aspects, there may be concerns regarding its safety.

Of course, Character AI’s privacy policy says that it fully protects user safety. But over the years, we have seen many large tech companies become victim to data breaches.

And so, when users are sharing intimate details about themselves on this (or any other AI) platform, safety is something that should be considered before doing so.

Also read: The powerful synergy of big data and AI: Transforming our world

Also read: CharacterAI Unveils Group Chats Feature

Solutions for long wait times and bot response errors

1. Switch to the web version at

Initial login errors are common, so persistence is key. The web platform has fewer users, enhancing accessibility and potentially offering higher reliability due to lower user traffic. Multiple attempts may be necessary for a successful login.

2. Server load awareness

Character AI experiences high server load with reported wait times up to 52 minutes, though some users report as low as 9 minutes. The variability is significant, and understanding peak times can help manage expectations. Specifically, US peak hours (10AM-4PM ET) see the most congestion.

3. Cache clearing and update for Chrome users

Navigate to Settings > Privacy, clear Character AI data, disable hardware acceleration, and ensure Chrome is updated via About Chrome. This can resolve loading issues. DNS modification: Set network properties to preferred: and alternate: in Control Panel > Network > Internet > Properties > IPv4, then refresh connections.

Full reinstall of the app: If persistent malfunctions occur, delete the app and reinstall it from the App Store to address issues. Regularly check and install updates via the App Store to prevent issues.

Addressing safety concerns

NSFW content filtering: Implement robust measures in AI platforms to ensure child safety, preventing inappropriate interactions. Character AI needs to prioritise safe interaction, as highlighted by their NSFW policy (Rule 2), which prohibits harmful content.

Developer responsibility: Enforce oversight on platforms hosting AI bots, crucial for maintaining a safe environment. Awareness of AI’s child-friendly features is crucial despite issues with sexualised content, highlighted by the significance of the ‘Peggy 3’ rating.

Community support and communication: Character AI should improve its communication strategy, especially during service outages. Engaging with the community for real-time updates and feedback on wait times and error types is essential. Urgency in service restoration and updates on maintenance can enhance user experience.


Revel Cheng

Revel Cheng is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Fintech and Blockchain. She graduated from Nanning Normal University. Send tips to

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