Intron Health develops speech recognition for African accents

  • Intron Health has developed a speech-recognition tool that effectively recognises African accents, aiming to bridge the gap for minority language speakers and those with speech disorders in using voice-controlled applications. 
  • The company’s technology, trained on a vast database of African speech, is being adopted in hospitals across multiple markets to improve efficiency and reduce errors in medical transcription.

Intron Health has created an advanced speech-recognition system that is tailored to understand and transcribe African accents, thereby enhancing accessibility for users with diverse linguistic backgrounds in healthcare settings. This innovative tool is being integrated into hospitals to streamline operations and ensure more accurate medical documentation.

-Rae Li, BTW reporter

What happened

Intron Health, a clinical speech-recognition startup, has developed a cutting-edge tool designed to recognise and transcribe African accents, a feature that has been largely absent in mainstream voice-recognition technologies. The company’s CEO, Tobi Olatunji, highlights the importance of this development, noting that traditional speech-recognition systems often struggle with accents and speech disorders, which can lead to inaccuracies and inefficiencies in applications ranging from medical transcription to voice-controlled devices. Intron Health’s solution is trained on a vast dataset of 3.5 million audio clips, sourced from over 18,000 contributors across 29 countries and 288 accents. This extensive training allows the system to better understand and accurately transcribe speech from individuals with diverse linguistic backgrounds, particularly in the African context.

The impact of Intron Health’s technology is already being felt in healthcare settings across Africa. The tool has been adopted in 30 hospitals across five markets, including Kenya and Nigeria, where it has demonstrated the ability to significantly reduce the time required for tasks such as processing radiology results. For instance, at one of West Africa’s largest hospitals, Intron Health’s technology helps cut the waiting time for radiology results from 48 hours to just 20 minutes. This level of efficiency is crucial in regions where the doctor-to-patient ratio is among the lowest in the world. Olatunji emphasised that the company’s mission is not only to digitise hospital operations but also to ensure that the technology is culturally attuned and accessible to all to improve the quality of care and reducing the administrative burden on healthcare professionals.

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Why it’s important 

Intron Health’s innovation represents a triumph of both technological advancement and inclusive innovation. The speech recognition tools developed by Intron Health are optimised for African accents which addresses the limitations of speech recognition technology in dealing with minority languages and specific accents and provides a better service to users with non-standard accents in Africa and beyond. This helps improve the usability and accuracy of speech recognition tools for these user groups to promotes efficiency and accuracy in critical areas such as healthcare.

In addition, the use of Intron Health’s solutions in healthcare, particularly in Africa, is significant for improving the quality of healthcare services, reducing medical errors and increasing the accuracy of medical records. Overall, this innovation by Intron Health demonstrates how technology can cross cultural and language barriers and highlights the importance of considering diversity and inclusion in the design and development of technology. 


Rae Li

Rae Li is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering IT infrastructure and Internet governance. She graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle. Send tips to

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