India-made AI app cracks UPSC exam, outscores all

  • PadhAI is an AI-driven education app designed for UPSC preparation. Available on the Google Play Store, it offers several innovative features, including news summaries, smart previous year question (PYQ) search, doubt clarification, interactive answer explanations, and book summaries.
  • PadhAI achieved a score of over 170 marks out of a possible 200, significantly surpassing the typical qualifying score, which usually falls below 100. Even more impressive was the time it took to complete the exam: a mere seven minutes.

This progress has sparked a new exploration of the potential of AI in education, and also raised the challenge of balancing technological innovation with education quality assurance. In the future, as the application of AI in education deepens, we can expect to see more similar innovations to bring more personalized and effective learning experiences to learners.

–Revel Cheng, BTW reporter

In a groundbreaking achievement, an artificial intelligence (AI) application named PadhAI has made headlines by acing the 2024 UPSC preliminary exams.

What happened

The AI app, developed by a team of IIT graduates, demonstrated its capabilities in a public setting on Sunday in Delhi. The event, held right after the UPSC preliminary exam, was attended by guests from the education sector, the UPSC community, and media professionals. PadhAI’s performance was live-streamed on and YouTube, allowing a broad audience to witness the AI’s capabilities in real time.

PadhAI achieved a score of over 170 marks out of a possible 200, significantly surpassing the typical qualifying score, which usually falls below 100.

Even more impressive was the time it took to complete the exam: a mere seven minutes. This feat places PadhAI among the top scorers nationwide, potentially earning it the top rank, had the exam been a timed event.

PadhAI’s answers were compared with those by AI models from majors the likes of OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google. The comparison used answer keys released by top coaching institutes.

Also read: Google Play tightens rules on AI apps amid deepfake nude scandal

Also read: Deep learning in computer vision: Revolutionising AI applications

Why its important

“This is the highest score achieved in the last 10 years of UPSC exams. We believe that while our event is the first of its kind, in a few years, such events will become commonplace as several educational institutions race to solve papers quickly and precisely with AIs,” said Karttikeya Mangalam, CEO of PadhAI.

The app aims to revolutionise the way students prepare for competitive exams by leveraging AI technology to enhance learning and efficiency.

The success of PadhAI in the UPSC preliminary exams signals a significant shift in the educational landscape. As AI continues to evolve, its applications in education are likely to expand, offering new tools and methodologies for students and educators alike. The speed and accuracy demonstrated by PadhAI could lead to a future where AI plays a central role in academic assessments, providing quicker and more precise evaluations.


Revel Cheng

Revel Cheng is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in Fintech and Blockchain. She graduated from Nanning Normal University. Send tips to

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