How can you control an IoT-connected smart device?

  • IoT-connected smart devices offer a wide array of benefits, from enhancing convenience to creating adaptive living environments through advanced connectivity and sensor technologies.
  • Effective control of IoT devices is essential for optimising energy efficiency, security, and personal comfort in both home and office settings, emphasising the importance of robust security practices and remote management capabilities.
  • Integration with smart home systems and the use of mobile apps play pivotal roles in enhancing control and automation, promising a future where IoT devices seamlessly adapt to users’ needs while maintaining security and aligning with evolving technological advancements.

In 2024, over 30 billion IoT devices are seamlessly integrating into our daily routines, offering unprecedented control and convenience at our fingertips. Understanding and mastering this control is not just a modern convenience, it’s a step towards a smarter future.

What are the IoT-connected smart devices?

IoT-connected smart devices encompass a broad spectrum of products, ranging from fundamental home appliances such as thermostats and door locks to sophisticated voice-controlled virtual assistants and security systems. Equipped with sensors and advanced connectivity features, these devices can collect and exchange data over the internet, seamlessly interacting with other devices and systems. This connectivity not only enhances convenience but also fosters the potential for creating responsive, adaptable living and working environments.

Also read: KmsdBot Malware Evolves, Targeting IoT Devices and Highlighting Ongoing Threats 

What is the significance of IoT device control?

In the era of smart technology, controlling IoT devices extends beyond mere convenience; it plays a crucial role in optimising home and office environments for energy efficiency, security, and personal comfort. By mastering the control of these devices, users can customise their surroundings according to their unique preferences, habits, and lifestyle needs, thereby improving overall quality of life.

How can you control an IoT-connected smart device remotely?

Remotely controlling an IoT device typically involves using a smartphone app or web interface. These platforms empower users to manage settings, activate features, and monitor the device’s status from anywhere, provided they have an internet connection.

Can voice assistants control all types of IoT devices?

Most modern IoT devices are compatible with popular voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. However, the extent of control varies depending on the device’s features and the assistant’s capabilities.

What role do mobile apps play in IoT device management?

Mobile apps serve as central hubs for IoT device management, offering user-friendly interfaces for monitoring, controlling, and customising device settings. Additionally, they often provide notifications and insights based on the device’s performance and usage.

Also read: IIJ’s SoftSIM integrates with Nordic to simplify IoT deployment

How does integrating IoT devices with smart home systems enhance control?

Integrating IoT devices with smart home systems like Samsung SmartThings or Apple HomeKit enables more sophisticated control and automation. Users can establish interconnected device actions, such as automatically turning off lights when the security system is armed, thereby creating a more efficient and responsive home environment.

What are the security implications of controlling IoT devices?

While IoT devices offer convenience, they also present security risks. It is crucial to employ secure passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and keep the device’s firmware updated to mitigate unauthorised access and cyber threats.

As we look ahead to 2024 and beyond, the control and integration of IoT-connected devices are poised to become even more seamless and intuitive. This journey is not merely about adopting new technologies; it’s about comprehending their capabilities and implications while ensuring they are secure and aligned with our evolving needs.


Tilly Lu

Tilly Lu, an intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in Fintech and Blockchain. She is studying Broadcasting and Hosting in Sanming University. Send tips to

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