Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis receives knighthood for AI technology

  • Demis Hassabis, CEO and one of the three founders of Google’s AI subsidiary DeepMind, has been knighted for his “contribution to artificial intelligence”.
  • After acquiring DeepMind in 2014 for more than US$500 million, together with the Google Research Institute, it is responsible for researching the speech and large language models Gemini.
  • Hassabis believes that parents should encourage their children to use technology creatively.

Demis Hassabis, CEO and one of three founders of Google’s artificial intelligence company DeepMind, has been awarded a knighthood in the U.K. for “services to artificial intelligence.”

Demis Hassabis and DeepMind

Hassabis founded DeepMind in London in 2010, along with Shane Legg and Mustafa Suleyman, who was hired by Microsoft last week from AI startup Inflection AI.

The UK has long aspired to place itself at the forefront of the AI revolution. In terms of research and development investment, the UK ranks among the top AI countries in the world, behind the US and China, with DeepMind being one of the UK’s biggest AI exporters.

It has become one of Google’s most important assets as a major tech company after Google acquired it for more than US$500 million in 2014. Working with Google Research, DeepMind is responsible for the large language model Gemini, Google’s competitor to OpenAI’s GPT.

Also read: Microsoft hires DeepMind co-founder Mustafa Suleyman as CEO of new AI unit  

Also read: Google’s DeepMind unveils ‘superhuman‘ AI fact-checker, ‘SAFE’

Technology in childhood

According to an interview from BBC, Hassabis believes that Parents should encourage their children to use technology creatively, not get mad at them for spending hours playing games.

As co-founder and owner of Google DeepMind, Hassabis himself grew up playing chess and games, so he believes they should be encouraged to create and programme.

He said children will have to be ready to be very adaptable in what will be a “very fast-changing world”, and “just embrace that adaptability”.


Jennifer Yu

Jennifer Yu is an intern reporter at BTW Media covering artificial intelligence and products. She graduated from The University of Hong Kong. Send tips to

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