Google Bard Emerges as a Strong Competitor in Generative AI, but Challenges Remain

It’s a Two-Way Pull: Bard gains user momentum, but Google warns that the chatbot should not be a substitute for traditional search

Google Bard Emerges as a Strong Competitor in Generative AI, but Challenges Remain

The race for supremacy in generative AI is intensifying, with Google Bard garnering a higher influx of new users compared to ChatGPT, according to a recent report. Despite its impressive growth rate of 7.1 percent per week over the past two months, Google Bard still trails behind OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

Netskope, a cybersecurity company, unveiled these findings in its latest report, emphasizing the dynamic nature of the generative AI app landscape and the potential for further evolution.

Since the launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT platform in November of the previous year, AI app usage has surged dramatically. Netskope’s data, collected from millions of enterprise users worldwide, indicates a remarkable 22.5 percent increase in app usage over the past two months.

Growth in Usage, Increase in Threats

Remarkably, organizations with 10,000 users or more now rely on an average of five AI apps daily. ChatGPT outpaces all other generative AI apps by eight-fold in terms of daily active users. Netskope projects a doubling of users accessing AI apps within the next seven months at the current growth rate.

However, as generative AI platforms gain popularity, concerns have arisen regarding potential data exposure. Users might inadvertently upload proprietary source code or sensitive data while using AI tools for programming or writing tasks.

Netskope’s Threat Research Director, Ray Canzanese, urges organizations to implement effective controls, such as a combination of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and interactive user coaching, to mitigate these risks and leverage the benefits of AI without compromising security.

Google Urges Users to Fact-Check AI

Google, the driving force behind Bard, highlights that the chatbot is not intended as a substitute for traditional search engines. Debbie Weinstein, Google’s UK boss, clarifies that Bard serves as an “experiment” primarily suited for collaborative problem-solving and idea generation.

To ensure accuracy, Google encourages users to cross-reference the information provided by Bard with its search engine, which remains the preferred method for seeking specific information.

Although the emergence of ChatGPT and similar chatbots initially sparked speculations about their potential to disrupt Google’s dominant search business, the reality is more nuanced. Bard’s limitations, acknowledged on its homepage, have cast doubt on the notion that chatbots alone could replace traditional search engines entirely.

Google Takes Initiatives to Train People for AI

AI’s broader impact on the workforce and humanity has been a subject of heated debate. While some fear the potential threats posed by AI, others, including Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, see significant economic opportunities in the technology.

To address the knowledge gap, Google is launching a free online training series called “New Fundamentals,” aiming to equip individuals and businesses with practical AI skills and knowledge.

Google’s report also highlights a critical shortage of tech skills in the UK, which, if unaddressed, could hinder nationwide growth as demand for AI and other tech expertise continues to surge.


Bal M

Bal was BTW's copywriter specialising in tech and productivity tools. He has experience working in startups, mid-size tech companies, and non-profits.

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