Gemini robot revolutionises office tasks at Google DeepMind

  • Google DeepMind has unveiled advancement in robotics at its Mountain View headquarters, introducing a new robot empowered by the latest Gemini large language model.
  • Google DeepMind’s deployment of the Gemini-powered robot highlights a pivotal moment in robotics and AI integration. 

Google DeepMind unveils new office assistant robot fueled by Gemini Model: Smart companion or future work slacker? This robot is impressive, understanding human commands with remarkable accuracy. It reminds me of the button-pushing robots of the past, which seem like stone age technology in comparison. Now, when asked to find a spot to write, it swiftly leads you to the whiteboard with ease, making it feel like having an intelligent coworker by your side. But let’s be real, even with AI’s advancements, someone still needs to keep an eye on it, lest it decides to take a break and grab a coffee on its own.
–Miurio huang, BTW reporter

What happened

Google DeepMind has unveiled advancement in robotics at its Mountain View headquarters, introducing a new robot empowered by the latest Gemini large language model. This innovative robot serves as an interactive office assistant, capable of comprehending and executing commands with remarkable precision. Equipped with Gemini, the robot seamlessly integrates video and text processing capabilities, allowing it to navigate complex environments and fulfill various tasks autonomously. For instance, upon receiving commands like “Find a place where I can write,” the robot adeptly guides individuals to specific locations within the office, such as a designated whiteboard.

Gemini’s integration marks a significant leap in robotic functionality, enhancing the naturalness of human-robot interactions through advanced multimodal processing. This development underscores Google DeepMind’s ongoing efforts to harness AI’s potential in practical, real-world applications beyond conventional digital interfaces.

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Why it’s important

Google DeepMind’s deployment of the Gemini-powered robot highlights a pivotal moment in robotics and AI integration. By leveraging state-of-the-art language models like Gemini, which blend language understanding with visual perception, Google advances the capabilities of robots to interact intelligently and intuitively in physical environments. This technological stride not only enhances efficiency in workplace settings but also sets a precedent for future advancements in robotic assistance across diverse industries.

The ability of the Gemini-powered robot to interpret complex commands and navigate dynamically reflects a broader trend in AI-driven robotics. Researchers anticipate that such advancements will pave the way for robots with enhanced problem-solving abilities and adaptive learning, capable of integrating seamlessly into everyday tasks alongside humans.

Moreover, the implications extend beyond immediate practical applications. The convergence of language models and robotics signifies a critical synergy between AI research and industrial innovation. As evidenced by the spin-off ventures like Physical Intelligence and Skild AI, which are exploring similar AI-robotics integrations, significant investments and research initiatives are poised to accelerate the development of next-generation robotic technologies.

In conclusion, Google DeepMind’s introduction of the Gemini-powered robot not only showcases the transformative potential of AI in robotics but also underscores the evolving landscape of intelligent automation. As these technologies continue to evolve, they promise to redefine productivity standards and expand the horizons of what robots can achieve in collaborative human-machine environments.


Miurio Huang

Miurio Huang is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in AI. She graduated from Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University. Send tips to

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