GE HealthCare and AWS partner to transform medical data with AI

  • GE HealthCare announced a collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to develop advanced generative artificial intelligence (AI) models and tools designed to enhance the analysis of complex medical data. 
  •  Given that up to 97% of hospital data remains unused, these new tools could help maximise the value of existing data, leading to more informed clinical decisions and streamlined healthcare processes.

This partnership between GE HealthCare and AWS is an intriguing one, akin to a ‘superhero’ duo in the realm of data. We often hear about the overwhelming amount of data generated in the healthcare sector, yet so much of it remains untapped. It’s like having a library full of books but only reading the covers. By collaborating, these two giants aim to breathe life into this stagnant data, empowering it to assist clinicians. Think about how much time doctors spend sifting through medical records and test results, leaving less time for direct patient interaction. If AI can streamline this process, doctors can devote more attention to their patients, rather than drowning in data. It’s akin to using a cheat code in a game, not to cheat but to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
–Miurio huang, BTW reporter

What happened

GE HealthCare announced a collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to develop advanced generative artificial intelligence (AI) models and tools designed to enhance the analysis of complex medical data. This partnership aims to address a critical challenge in healthcare: managing and utilising the vast amounts of data generated by the industry. Despite the healthcare sector producing nearly one-third of global data, much of it remains inaccessible or underutilised. GE HealthCare, a leader in medical imaging, ultrasound, patient care, and diagnostic solutions, sees generative AI as a key to unlocking the potential of this data.

The partnership will focus on creating AI models that will assist clinicians in efficiently handling data across various healthcare operations, including screenings, diagnoses, decision support, and workflow management. AWS will support GE HealthCare by providing technical infrastructure, leveraging solutions such as Amazon Bedrock and Amazon SageMaker. This collaboration is expected to expedite the development and deployment of web-based medical imaging applications, improving access to critical analytics for healthcare professionals.

Also read: SoftBank sets up AI healthcare joint venture with Tempus AI

Also read: 10 AI-powered apps for self-diagnosing health conditions

Why it’s important

The collaboration between GE HealthCare and AWS represents a significant advancement in the integration of AI within the healthcare sector. By harnessing the power of generative AI, the partnership aims to make substantial improvements in how medical data is analysed and utilised, potentially transforming patient care and operational efficiency. Given that up to 97% of hospital data remains unused, these new tools could help maximise the value of existing data, leading to more informed clinical decisions and streamlined healthcare processes.

Additionally, this initiative highlights the growing role of AI in addressing complex challenges within the medical field. GE HealthCare’s use of AWS’s advanced AI capabilities underscores the potential for technology to drive innovation and improve healthcare outcomes. As the models and applications developed through this partnership become more widely available, they could set new standards for data management and clinical support in the industry.


Miurio Huang

Miurio Huang is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in AI. She graduated from Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University. Send tips to

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