France probes Nvidia for anti-competitive practices

  • The French competition watchdog is considering charges against Nvidia over suspicions of anti-competitive practices.
  • The focus is on Nvidia’s sizable stake in the AI infrastructure market and how its CUDA software compatibility, along with investments in AI-focused cloud services, might give it undue market influence.

The French probe into Nvidia’s practices amid dominance in AI hardware and CUDA’s exclusivity could redefine industry standards, impacting global tech dynamics. Heightened scrutiny reflects a broader regulatory trend addressing potential monopolistic behaviors in the rapidly evolving AI sector, crucial for innovation and competition balance.
–Vicky Wu, BTW reporter

What happened

The French competition watchdog is reportedly preparing to level charges against Nvidia, the dominant player in the GPU and high-speed networking market, for suspected anti-competitive behavior. Nvidia’s overwhelming presence in the AI infrastructure sector, estimated to command over 80% of the market, has attracted the scrutiny of French antitrust officials.

Following a raid on Nvidia’s French offices in September to gather evidence, the investigation has expanded to encompass the wider cloud computing industry, revealing that certain American firms might have stifled competition within the European region. A recent report from the French competition authority explicitly mentioned Nvidia as a potential source of concern, noting risks such as price manipulation, production limitations, unfair contract terms, and discriminatory actions.

Specifically, the report raised alarm over the sector’s dependency on Nvidia’s CUDA chip programming software, which is uniquely compatible with the GPUs essential for accelerated computing. Additionally, Nvidia’s recent investments in AI-centric cloud service providers like CoreWeave have raised eyebrows, with fears that such moves could consolidate market control and hinder fair competition.

Also read: Nvidia’s soaring stock creates investor conundrum

Also read: Nvidia set to make $12B from AI chip sales in China

Why it’s important

Nvidia, known for its high-performance chips used in AI and computer graphics, has seen a spike in demand following the introduction of generative AI tools like ChatGPT. Last year, the company acknowledged receiving inquiries from EU, Chinese, and French regulators regarding its graphic card offerings. The French watchdog’s report on competition in the generative AI space underlined the potential for abuse by chip suppliers, with specific worries about the exclusive compatibility of Nvidia’s CUDA software with critical GPUs.

Benoit Coeure, head of the French competition authority, confirmed the ongoing probe into Nvidia’s conduct during a press conference, stating that charges could be brought against the company should the investigation uncover substantial evidence of wrongdoing. This development comes amidst heightened regulatory attention on major tech firms in Europe and the U.S., particularly in the context of the AI industry’s rapid growth.

The investigation’s conclusions could have far-reaching consequences for Nvidia and the tech sector, particularly in the AI domain. With regulatory bodies on both continents keeping a watchful eye on tech giants, the French competition authority’s findings will be closely monitored for their implications on the industry’s future trajectory.


Vicky Wu

Vicky is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in AI and Blockchain. She graduated from Dalian University of Foreign Languages. Send tips to

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