Cloud backup: What are the advantages?

  • Cloud backup is the process of sending copies of data to off-site servers, rather than on a local backup device such as a hard drive. 
  • Cloud backup works by transferring a copy of a file to a remote storage system, usually hosted by a third-party provider. This provider will charge a subscription fee based on several factors, such as the capacity, bandwidth, and number of users requiring access to the data.
  • The aim of cloud backup is to preserve data so that users can restore their files and systems in the event of a data loss or failure. 

Data loss is a common and unfortunate occurrence that many individuals and businesses may encounter. Implementing a data backup solution is often considered a prudent strategy to ensure the security and recoverability of files. One widely recommended approach is the 3-2-1 method, which involves creating at least three copies of data stored in different locations.

Typically, two of these copies are kept on onsite devices like hard drives, while the third copy is stored offsite in a cloud system. Cloud backup is emphasised as a crucial component of any comprehensive data retention and disaster recovery plan. But is such extensive backup necessary? This guide examines the benefits of cloud backup and delves into its significance.

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What is cloud backup?

Cloud backup involves sending data copies to remote servers instead of local devices like hard drives. These servers, whether private or public, store the backup data in data centers. The process works by transferring file copies to a third-party provider’s remote storage system, typically charging a subscription fee based on factors like capacity and bandwidth. The primary goal of cloud backup is to safeguard data for easy restoration in case of loss or failure. This ensures users can resume their work seamlessly without losing progress or experiencing data loss.

Also read: Cloud computing and IoT: How do they work together?

The advantages of cloud backup

Cloud backup offers users convenience compared to local backups. Manual tasks such as monitoring progress or troubleshooting are time-consuming, especially for small business owners or self-employed individuals. Cloud backup automates these processes, freeing up time for more productive work. Let’s explore more reasons for considering cloud backup.

1. Security

Data backed up to the cloud will be encrypted before it is sent to the server. This prevents any unauthorised users from accessing your data while the backup is in progress, or once it is complete. Even if your data is intercepted while it is being transferred, it will remain secure.

Any cloud backup service provider you consider should have strict security protocols. This includes 24/7 monitoring, management, and reporting capabilities. This should be an essential part of your cybersecurity strategy if the data you want to back up is subject to regulations such as HIPAA.

2. Data protection

Cloud backup software is increasingly vital for emergency data strategies. Storing files in the cloud ensures easy retrieval and protection from unforeseen disasters. Remote storage mitigates risks like malware corruption, natural disasters, theft, and system failures. It also addresses human errors like accidental deletion, crucial for recovering personal or sensitive information.

3. Reliability

Many cloud backup services, such as Dropbox Backup, offer automatic backup. This always-on solution makes it easy to recover lost or corrupted files and protect yourself from a potential data disaster.

Cloud backup also means you have more control over your data. For example, you retain the ability to monitor and manage the files you have backed up, as well as the data recovery process.

4. Accessibility

Unlike local backups, you can access the files you back up to the cloud whenever and wherever you need them—as long as you have an internet connection.

So, if you’re on the move and only have your mobile phone at hand, you can still access your backups through an app or on the web. 

This is particularly beneficial for Macs, which are not always as compatible with cloud computing as Windows devices. For Mac users, a separate cloud backup service is often the best data protection strategy.

5. Scalability

If you’re a new solopreneur with minimal data, cloud backup might not have crossed your mind. However, as your projects involve large files like photos or videos, local storage limitations become apparent. Cloud backup offers scalability, accommodating your growing data needs without requiring additional hardware or software purchases. You pay only for the storage you use, ensuring cost-effectiveness as your business expands.


Aria Jiang

Aria Jiang, an intern reporter at BTW media dedicated in IT infrastructure. She graduated from Ningbo Tech University. Send tips to

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