ClaudeBot’s frequent visits draw iFixit leadership’s complaint

  • Anthropic’s ClaudeBot is a web content crawler designed to scrape data from web pages for training AI models. Within a 24-hour period, it made approximately a million visits to
  • The incident involving ClaudeBot’s intense data scraping on has highlighted the need for a balanced approach to AI development.

The frequency of ClaudeBot’s visits to is unprecedented, with 1 million hits recorded over 24 hours. The site experienced increased traffic, which could have implications for its server load and data usage. As the industry moves forward, it will be crucial to find a way to train AI models that respects the rights and resources of content providers.
–Rebecca Xu, BTW reporter

What happened

Anthropic’s web content crawler ClaudeBot, used for AI model training, accessed the tech advice website nearly a million times in a single day this month. This comes as accused the Claude crawler of visiting its site nearly four million times in as many hours., known for its detailed tech guides and repair advice, found itself under the spotlight as ClaudeBot’s visits surged to a million times in a single day. This unusual activity raised concerns among the site’s administrators and the tech community at large.

iFixit’s boss, Kyle Wiens, complained on social media about these uninvited bot visits, “You are not only using our content without payment, but also occupying our development resources. This is not cool, and it does not comply with iFixit’s terms of service.”

“We were surprised by the sheer volume of requests from ClaudeBot,” said a spokesperson for “While we support the advancement of AI, we also believe that data scraping should be conducted responsibly, with consideration for the websites involved.”

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Why it’s important

The relentless crawling by ClaudeBot on has raised concerns within the tech community and the website’s administrators regarding the excessive and disruptive nature of the bot’s activity. With its extensive scraping of data, ClaudeBot has drawn criticism for potentially overloading the site and causing unwarranted strain on its resources.

While ClaudeBot is designed to extract data for the enhancement of AI models, its excessive and repetitive visits to have prompted backlash for violating the website’s terms of service and failing to respect responsible web crawling practices. The sheer volume of visits has been deemed intrusive and disruptive, leading to a negative impact on the user experience and functionality of

The incident has drawn attention to the ethical considerations surrounding web scraping practices and the repercussions of unchecked crawling activities on targeted websites. The lack of communication and cooperation between Anthropic and has exacerbated the controversy, highlighting the importance of transparent and responsible data extraction practices in the digital landscape.


Rebecca Xu

Rebecca Xu is an intern reporter at Blue Tech Wave specialising in tech trends. She graduated from Changshu Institute of Technology. Send tips to

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