‘City not city’: Foreign blogger’s charming TikTok vid goes viral

  • A blogger has captured the attention of countless netizens with his unique charm in a video asking ‘city not city?’ 
  • Behind this phenomenon lies China’s rapid development in the mobile internet era and its continually enhanced international influence. 

“City not city” originated from a foreign blogger’s China travel video, where he asked in unpolished Chinese if places felt “city” (urban, fashionable). Its humor and relatability sparked online interest. Remember that time when “Gangnam Style” took over YouTube? Well, “City Not City” is doing something similar, but with a twist. It’s not just about words, it’s about how we feel about places and styles. And now it’s everywhere, from travel blogs to fashion critiques. But let’s be real, memes can be fleeting. The real test is whether it’ll stick around and keep promoting deeper conversations, like the ones it’s already sparked in unexpected places. Who knows, maybe the next big thing will be sparked by a similar meme, but with even more substance.

–Miurio huang, BTW reporter

What happened

A new ‘made in China’ meme has captured the attention of countless netizens with its unique charm and widespread applicability. Originating from a new form of check-in, the ‘city not city’ meme can be attributed primarily to the creativity and humour of the blogger “BaoBaoXiong”. In a video featuring his sister visiting the Great Wall of China, he used his slightly awkward yet amusing Chinese to give the word “city” a fresh meaning. Through repeated questions and answers about “City Not City”, the two demonstrated their contrasting perceptions of “trendiness” versus “naturalness” in different settings. This video quickly went viral, turning “City Not City” into a new internet language phenomenon.

As “City Not City” gained traction, its meaning expanded and diversified. In the realm of travel check-ins, it became a benchmark for assessing whether a city possesses a modern, cosmopolitan vibe. In fashion and styling, it evolved into a criterion for evaluating whether an outfit exudes a sense of fashion. Moreover, “city” acquired additional emotional connotations such as excitement and tension, broadening the meme’s application scenarios even further.

Notably, the popularity of “City Not City” sparked widespread interest and discussion across various sectors of society. From ordinary netizens imitating and creating content to celebrities actively participating, and even the positive response from China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, this meme has transcended simple online entertainment and become a bridge for cross-cultural exchange. It showcases foreign visitors’ enthusiasm for exploring Chinese culture and reflects the positive outcomes of China’s opening-up policies and the continually enhanced travel experiences of foreigners in China.

Behind the rise of “City Not City” lies the power of social media and the creativity of young people. Through this novel and entertaining approach, they express their love for life and aspirations, fostering cultural exchange and understanding between China and the world. It is foreseeable that the “City Not City” meme will continue to exert its unique charm in the coming months, serving as a link connecting diverse cultures and individuals.

Also read: Viral ‘China-spoiled’ video showcases China’s digital convenience

Also read: EU threatens to ban TikTok Lite from using rewarded viewing feature

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Why it’s important

Behind this phenomenon lies China’s rapid development in the mobile internet era and its continually enhanced international influence. With the relaxation of travel policies and the widespread adoption of internet technology, foreign tourists can now more easily visit China, experience, and disseminate authentic Chinese stories. This not only fosters cultural exchange and understanding between China and the rest of the world but also portrays a more genuine and diverse image of China on the global stage.

In summary, the emergence and spread of the viral phrase “City Not City” is a vivid portrayal of foreign tourists’ travel experiences in China and a testament to the deepening cultural exchange and understanding between China and foreign countries. It showcases the charm and appeal of Chinese culture, instilling optimism in the prospect of further cultural exchanges between China and the world.


Miurio Huang

Miurio Huang is an intern news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in AI. She graduated from Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University. Send tips to m.huang@btw.media.

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