BMW overtakes Tesla in European battery electric vehicle market

  • BMW leads in European Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) sales for July 2024, outselling Tesla by nearly 300 units.
  • Traditional automotive manufacturers are experiencing robust growth, posing a significant challenge to early electric vehicle market leaders.

BMW’s recent success in the European BEV market marks a significant shift in the electric vehicle landscape. While Tesla has long dominated this sector, BMW’s ability to surpass Tesla in sales reflects the growing influence of established automakers in the EV space. This development could signal a broader trend where traditional car manufacturers leverage their brand strength and industry experience to compete more effectively with early movers like Tesla.
— Zoey Zhu, BTW reporter

What happened

BMW became the top seller of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in Europe, a position traditionally held by Tesla in July 2024. According to data from market research firm JATO Dynamics, BMW sold 14,869 BEVs during the month, edging out Tesla by nearly 300 units. This marks the first time BMW has led the European BEV market, highlighting the company’s successful pivot towards electric mobility.

The shift in market leadership comes amid broader changes in the automotive industry, where traditional automakers are increasingly catching up with pure electric-vehicle manufacturers. BMW’s rise in BEV sales is driven by a combination of strong brand loyalty, an expanding electric lineup, and favourable government policies supporting the transition to greener transportation.

Despite BMW’s success, the overall European BEV market experienced a decline in sales. Approximately 139,300 new electric cars were registered in July 2024, representing a 6% decrease compared to the same month last year. This decline is attributed to factors such as the phasing out of subsidies and a lack of clarity regarding future incentives for electric vehicles.

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Why it’s important

BMW’s overtaking of Tesla in the European BEV market is significant as it reflects the growing competitiveness of traditional automakers in the electric vehicle sector. For years, Tesla has been the frontrunner in the BEV market, thanks to its early entry and innovative approach. However, BMW’s recent success suggests that established car manufacturers are now more capable of challenging Tesla’s dominance.

The broader decline in BEV sales across Europe, despite BMW’s individual success, underscores the complexity of the market. Factors such as the uncertainty around government incentives and the relatively low resale value of electric vehicles continue to hinder more widespread adoption. This presents a challenge not only for Tesla but also for all automakers looking to expand their electric offerings.

As competition in the BEV market intensifies, companies will need to focus on differentiating their products and addressing consumer concerns about electric vehicles. BMW’s ability to outperform Tesla in July may encourage other traditional automakers to accelerate their electric vehicle strategies, leading to more innovation and choice for consumers in the long term.


Zoey Zhu

Zoey Zhu is a news reporter at Blue Tech Wave media specialised in tech trends. She got a Master degree from University College London. Send emails to
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